Custom - Map Reduce - Get Jobs
Custom - Map Reduce - Get Jobs
Returns a list of jobs the current user has access to. Filtering can be performed by passing a comma-separated list of jobtitles or ids into the URL.
Required, see Auth - Login.
list-of-ids-or-titles (optional)
A comma-separated list of ids or titles to return (the list must contain either all ids or all titles, not a mixture of both)
project_id (optional): the id of a share of type "infinite_project_config", this will filter the search to only communities active in this project. See projects documentation for more information
Example Response
{ "response": { "action": "Custom Map Reduce Get Jobs", "success": true, "message": "succesfully returned jobs", "time": 7 }, "data": [ { "_id": "4fb245bfe4b0cc1eda8bd229", "jobtitle": "twitterSentiment", "jobdesc": "test", "submitterID": "4d88d0f1f9a624a4b0c8bd71", "communityIds": [ "4e1f545315c1b0b2c4d4f4a3" ], "jarURL": "$infinite/share/get/4f8c7abde4b09c2c0a50189a", "inputCollection": "doc_metadata.metadata", "outputCollection": "4fb245bfe4b0cc1eda8bd229", "lastCompletionTime": "May 16, 2012 8:12:02 PM", "nextRunTime": 9223372036854776000, "jobidN": 0, "scheduleFreq": "NONE", "firstSchedule": "Dec 31, 1969 7:00:00 PM", "timesRan": 10, "isCustomTable": false, "mapper": "geographic.GenericGeographicSentiment$TokenizerMapper", "reducer": "geographic.GenericGeographicSentiment$IntSumReducer", "combiner": "geographic.GenericGeographicSentiment$IntSumReducer", "query": "{\"sourceKey\" : \"twitter.com.statuses.public_timeline.atom\", \"docGeo\": {\"$ne\" : null}}", "outputKey": "org.apache.hadoop.io.Text", "outputValue": "org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable", "lastRunTime": "May 16, 2012 7:12:02 PM" } ] }
Error Response
There aren't any, will just return an empty data section if user cannot access any jobs.