Social - Community - Member - Join

Social - Community - Member - Join


Attempts to join a community.  If the community accepts open membership, you will be added as a member immediately.  If the community requires owner approval, an email will be sent to him and you will not be a member until the owner accepts you.

If owner approval is required the owner of the community will be asked to respond in email to this api call: Request Response
If the owner accepts the request, you will be silently added to the community.
If the owner denies the request, you will not be notified.


Required, see Auth - Login


communityid (required)
Community ID to attempt to join, can also be a regex (community ID - regex) provided that matches only a single community.



Example Response
  • Requires owner approval
        action: "Join Community"
        success: true
        message: "Joined community successfully, awaiting owner approval"
        time: 45
  • Allows open enrollment
        action: "Join Community"
        success: true
        message: "Joined community successfully"
        time: 45