Config - Source - Bad

Config - Source - Bad


Returns a list of sources that have sufficient harvest errors that they have been removed from the harvesting schedule (or have been turned off by an administrator).


Required, see Auth - Login


communityId-list (required)
Community ID, or IDs (comma-separated), or community ID - regex for which to retrieve sources.


project_id (optional): the id of a share of type "infinite_project_config", this will filter the search to only communities active in this project. See projects documentation for more information

stripped - if set to true (default false), then the source is stripped down to its bare metadata for transmission/parsing efficiency. Individual "source/get" calls must then be made to retrieve the full source.




Example Response
    "response": {
        "action": "Bad Sources",
        "success": true,
        "message": "Successfully returned bad sources",
        "time": 51
    "data": [
            "_id": "4cbdb9eb5ed98e7bc8489270",
            "created": "Oct 19, 2010 11:31:55 AM",
            "modified": "Oct 19, 2010 11:31:55 AM",
            "url": "http://english.aljazeera.net/Services/Rss/?PostingId=2007731105943979989",
            "title": "Al Jazeera: World News",
            "isPublic": true,
            "ownerId": "4e3706c48d26852237078005",
            "mediaType": "News",
            "key": "http.english.aljazeera.net.services.rss..postingid=2007731105943979989",
            "description": "Al Jazeera World News Articles",
            "tags": [
            "communityIds": [
            "harvest": {
                "harvested": "Mar 1, 2012 1:43:32 AM",
                "harvest_status": "error",
                "harvest_message": "Read timed out",
                "doccount": 8153
            "isApproved": true,
            "harvestBadSource": true,
            "extractType": "Feed"
            "_id": "4cbdb9ed5ed98e7b07499270",
            "created": "Oct 19, 2010 11:31:57 AM",
            "modified": "Oct 19, 2010 11:31:57 AM",
            "url": "http://www.army.mil/rss/feeds/health.xml",
            "title": "Army: Healthcare",
            "isPublic": true,
            "ownerId": "4e3706c48d26852237078005",
            "mediaType": "News",
            "key": "http.www.army.mil.rss.feeds.health.xml",
            "description": "Army Health Care Updates",
            "tags": [
            "communityIds": [
            "harvest": {
                "harvested": "Mar 1, 2012 9:41:23 AM",
                "harvest_status": "error",
                "harvest_message": "Connection refused",
                "doccount": 316
            "isApproved": true,
            "harvestBadSource": true,
            "extractType": "Feed"