Introduction to IKANOW
Introduction to IKANOW
The concept for Community Edition was created around a need for an extremely open, extremely scalable, socially aware knowledge discovery and analytics platform built for today's web.
It wasn’t designed in a lab, it was designed and built based on our on experiences in the analytics community. We took a very pragmatic approach and decided that building from scratch was not the best idea; instead looking at the problem holistically by using tools and techniques that users, developers and IT administrators can run with.
What if we can make the most scalable, flexible, socially aware and easy to use analytics platform available? ...That is our goal.
- By simplifying the interfaces we can create a way for subject matter experts to extend and solve their analytics problems with simple-to-use tools
- Make the most scalable analytics system possible by using tools built for today's web such as distributed highly available nosql databases and search engines
- Enable all this to run both within a cloud architecture, and also on (potentially much smaller) tactical architectures