Understanding IKANOW Core

Understanding IKANOW Core


The IKANOW platform enables you to manage sources (data connectors pulling in data from databases, RSS feeds, fileshares etc.), and to visualize them using visualization widgets, in order to gain insights.

Source data in the platform is stored in JSON format as a document and the document format contains elements such as metadata, entities, and associations.  

Source Management

About Sources

Sources are the data connectors pulling data from a database, feed (RSS), or fileshares (i.e. directories, single files (pdf/csv/xml), or ZIP).  Each Source is assigned a Title (Fox News RSS), Tags (News, Politics, Conservative, Republican, US) and Type (News).  Sources are then made up of documents harvested over time

About Documents

Each record or piece of data ingested by a source becomes a document (JSON), regardless of format or size.  A document can be an article from an RSS feed, a 40 character Tweet, a row from a CSV file, or a 40 page medical journal

 Each document JSON contains:

    • Series of metadata fields (title, description, source ID, date/time, etc.) 

    • Entities (person, IP-internal)

    • Associations: hard (subject - verb - object) vs soft 


  • Entities are the who, what, and where extracted from a document

    • Who: Person, Company, Organization

    • What: IndustryTerm, Product, Facility

    • Where: City, ProvinceorState, Country

For more information, see section Entities.


  • An association is an activity or relationship between entities. It can be thought of as "subject / verb / object / at location / over time", where the subjects and objects can be free text and/or point to entities within the document.

For more information, see section Associations.

Document Types

  • Matching DocumentsWhen a query is issued, often a large number of documents will satisfy the query criteria (particularly for a common query like "obama"), these are called matching documents. These documents are not directly available to the widgets. (i.e free text query for "obama" yields 4.2 million results)  

  • Top DocumentsThere are typically too many results for a person to analyze directly, therefore, a ranked subset of the matching documents (according to a configurable scoring method) is retrieved and only these are returned directly to the GUI. These top documents are an estimate of the most relevant docs. The default number of top documents is 100. (i.e. the top 100 of the 4.2 million docs are presented in the widgets)
  • Filtered DocumentsThe Widget API allows for further filtering of the top documents within the GUI framework, i.e. drill down on a subset of documents containing a specific set of entities. This subset is called the filtered documents. (i.e. a filter for "hillary clinton" populates widgets with only those documents containing both "obama" AND "hillary clinton") 

For more information, see section Scoring.


All matching documents contribute to the "knowledge" that a query can provide, however the documents themselves are not the only objects returned from a query. Instead, relevant information to the analysis is summed/averaged/etc ("aggregated") across all matching documents, and these are referred to as the "aggregations". Examples include:



TODO more general (non platform-specific) info about visualizations.


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Related Visualization Documentation: