Config - Source - User
Returns a list of sources (optionally) owned by a user. If the user is a system administrator /config/source/user returns a list of all sources that the user is a member of. (These options can be overridden, see below)
Required, see Auth - Login
communityFilter - for admins only. If set to false (default true) then admins can see all sources even if they are from communities that the admin user is not a member of.
userFilter - if set then only shows sources owned by the user, otherwise shows all sources for which the user has permission. Default: false for admins, true for non-admins
stripped - if set to true (default false), then the source is stripped down to its bare metadata for transmission/parsing efficiency. Individual "source/get" calls must then be made to retrieve the full source.
Example Response
{ "response": { "action": "User's Sources", "success": true, "message": "successfully returned user's sources", "time": 14 }, "data": [ { "_id": "4f22e491275e7a960af8cb7b", "created": "Apr 18, 2010 11:31:59 AM", "modified": "Apr 18, 2010 11:31:59 AM", "url": "", "title": "Eckington: Way Better Than Spotsylvania (Comments)", "isPublic": true, "ownerId": "4e3706c48d26852237078005", "mediaType": "Blog", "key": "", "description": "Eckington: Way Better Than Spotsylvania, Eckington Community Blog (Comments)", "tags": [ "dc", "washington", "district of columbia", "district", "blog", "eckington", "comments" ], "communityIds": [ "4c927585d591d31d7c37097b" ], "harvest": { "harvested": "Mar 2, 2012 11:54:34 AM", "harvest_status": "success", "harvest_message": "source= extracted=1 updated=0 deleted=0", "doccount": 17 }, "isApproved": true, "harvestBadSource": false, "extractType": "Feed" } ] }