Social - Person - Get

Social - Person - Get


Retrieves information for the specified person. The format of the returned information is described here.


Required, see Auth - Login


personid (optional) (requires admin)
Person ID or email address to search on, optional (if not included then the system searches on the ID of the user making the API call).  This currently only works if you are an admin, in the future a public person search will be included.




Example Response
	response: {
		action: "Person Info"
		success: true
		message: "Person info returned successfully"
		time: 45
	data: {
		_id: "4d88d0f1f9a624a4b0c8bd71",
		created: "Apr 19, 2011 9:46:25 PM",
		modified: "Jul 12, 2011 6:56:48 AM",
		accountStatus: "active",
		email: "jdoe@ikanow.com",
		firstName: "John",
		lastName: "Doe",
		displayName: "John Doe",
		organization: "IKANOW",
		title: "Software Engineer",
		location: "Woodbridge, VA",
		phone: "5555555555",
		languages: [
		avatar: "http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/161344_521863976_7207646_q.jpg",
		communities: [
			_id: "4c927585d591d31d7b37097a",
			name: "Infinit.e System"
			_id: "4d88d0f1f9a624a4b0c8bd71",
			name: "John Doe's Personal Community"
		WPUserID: "151",
		SubscriptionID: "172",
		SubscriptionTypeID: "1",
		SubscriptionStartDate: "Mar 22, 2011 4:40:12 PM"