Social - Share - Add - Community
Adds a community to a share document allowing users within a community to view the share.
An overview of how shares work can be found here.
A simple web-based utility is available for performing many share management activities.
Note that whenever a community moderator or admin adds a share to a community, then that share is automatically endorsed for that community.
Required, see Auth - Login
shareid (required)
Share ID of document to add community to
communityid (required)
Community ID to add, can also be a regex (community ID - regex) provided that matches only a single community.
comment (required)
Text comment describing the share/reason for sharing with community
readWrite (optional)
If true then other content publishers who belong to this community can modify the share (if false then only moderators/administrators/owners can modify the share)
Example Response
{ response: { action: "Share" success: true message: "Community successfully added to the share" time: 10 } }