Social - Community - Get All
Social - Community - Get All
Retrieves community information for all communities (public or private). Users who aren't admins can only see public communities and (private) communities to which they belong (or own).
Community Member Filtering
If a community has set the communityAttribute "publishMemberOverride" to false, then the members field will be removed before returning the community object. Administrators and community moderators are always allowed to see all other members as an exception to this rule.
Required, see Auth - Login, as above the functionality is limited for non-admins.
communityid (optional):
communityId string to filter results on, can also be a regex
project_id (optional): the id of a share of type "infinite_project_config", this will filter the search to only communities active in this project. See projects documentation for more information
Example Response
{ response: { action: "Community Info" success: true message: "Community info returned successfully" time: 27 } data: { _id: "4c927585d591d31d7b37097a" created: "Apr 12, 2011 6:56:47 PM" modified: "Apr 12, 2011 6:56:47 PM" name: "Infinit.e System" description: "" isSystemCommunity: true parentName: "" isPersonalCommunity: false tags:["Infinit.e","Community","Share"] communityAttributes: { isPublic: {type: "boolean", value: "true"} usersCanSelfRegister: { type: "boolean",value: "false"} registrationRequiresApproval: {type: "boolean",value: "false"} usersCanCreateSubCommunities: {type: "boolean",value: "false"} } userAttributes: { publishLoginToActivityFeed: {type: "boolean",defaultValue: "true",allowOverride: false} publishCommentsToActivityFeed: {type: "boolean",defaultValue: "true",allowOverride: false} publishSharingToActivityFeed: {type: "boolean",defaultValue: "true",allowOverride: false} publishQueriesToActivityFeed: {type: "boolean",defaultValue: "true",allowOverride: false} publishCommentsPublicly: {type: "boolean",defaultValue: "false",allowOverride: false} } ownerId: "4ca4a7c6b94b6296f6469d36" communityStatus: "active" ownerDisplayName: "Jim Moore" numberOfMembers: 85 members: [ { _id: "4cf77c709889a84922900249" email: "jill@ikanow.com" displayName: "Jill1 Smith" userType: "member" userStatus: "active userAttributes: [ {type: "publishCommentsToActivityFeed",value: "true"} {type: "publishCommentsPublicly",value: "false"} {type: "publishQueriesToActivityFeed",value: "true"} {type: "publishLoginToActivityFeed",value: "true"} {type: "publishSharingToActivityFeed",value: "true"}] contacts: [ {type: "mobile",value: "555.444.5555"} ] } }