Custom - Saved Query - Update Job

Custom - Saved Query - Update Job


Updates a saved query job. Returns the output collection id in the data field of the response if successfully queued to run. If you change the timeToRun a job can be rescheduled.

Return the word "null" for any of the update fields to not change a field, it will remain whatever the field was previously.

A simple web-based utility is available for updating jobs.


Required, see Auth - Login.


jobidortitle (required)
The id or the title of the job you want to update

jobtitle (required)
A descriptive name of the job being submitted.

jobdesc (required)
A description of what the job being submitted is attempting to do.

communityIds (required)
Community ID, or IDs (comma-separated), that the saved query job wants to run on. These will be appended to the mongo query.

timeToRun (required)
The time you want a job to be run after in long form. For example if you want it to run immediately when possible you can submit 0. If you want the job to run after January 1, 2015 submit: 1420106400000.

frequencyToRun (required)
How often the job should be ran, either: NONE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY. This will cause the job to get resubmitted after running, use NONE if you only want the job to run once.

query (required)
The query JSON object to call. 

inputcollection (required)
The mongo collection you want to use as input. DOC_METADATA is the only currently available option.

outputKey (required)
Currently set to "null" will be used in the future.

outputValue (required)
Currently set to "null" will be used in the future.


http://infinite.ikanow.com/api/custom/savedquery/updatejob/4f2007dd8196fe53a52c25a1/TestJob/Testing%20map%20reduce/4e9c77ef17ef3523b657a890/0/NONE/null/DOC_METADATA/null/null - this example is the same as the schedule job, it would change a jobs fields to all these new settings (or the same settings)
http://infinite.ikanow.com/api/custom/mapreduce/updatejob/4f2007dd8196fe53a52c25a1/null/null/null/0/null/null/null/null/null - this example will just reschedule a job to run as soon as possible

Example Response
{"response":{"action":"Update MapReduce Job","success":true,"message":"Job updated successfully, will run on: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969","time":246},"data":"4f2007dd8196fe53a52c25a1"}
Error Response
{"response":{"action":"Update MapReduce Job","success":false,"message":"You are not allowed to use the given input collection.","time":142}} 

Other Error Messages:

  • Must be owner/admin of job you are trying to update: You are not an admin or submitter of this job
  • Bad job title/id: No jobs with this ID exist
  • Bad parameters passed in for update or other general error: error scheduling job
  • Bad parameter for frequencyToRun: No enum matching scheduled frequency, try NONE, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY 
  • Not a unique jobname: A job already matches that title, please choose another title
  • Not allowed access to an input collection: You are not allowed to use the given input collection.
  • Job is currently running: Job is currently running (or not yet marked as completed).  Please wait until the job completes to update it.

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