Share JSON Format

Share JSON Format

Share JSON Format

Share objects are retrieved from API calls such as social/share/get.  They hold the metadata about something that has been stored in the database.

In this section:



	"_id" : string, //String representation on a mongodb ObjectId
	"created" : string, // Java date format, time when community was created
	"modified" : string, // Java date format, time when community was modified 
	"owner" : {
		"_id" : string, //owner is string representation of mongodb ObjectId
		"email" : string, //email address of owner
		"displayName" : string, //the owners display name
	"type": string, //the type of share dataset,query,etc
	"title": string, //an arbitrary title for this share
	"description": string, //an arbitrary title for this share
	"mediaType": string, //if this share has a binary object, the media type of that object
	"tags" : [string], //a list of metadata tags, for searching on
	"share" : string, //the data if this share is not a binary share
	"documentLocation" : {
		"_id" : string, //string representation of mongodb objectid where document is stored
		"database" : string, //name of db where document is stored
		"collection" : string, //name of mongodb collection where document is stored
	"communities" : [{
		"_id" : string, //String representation of a mongodb ObjectId for communityID
		"name" : string, //name of community
		"comment" : string, //a comment on why a community was added
	"endorsed": [string], // A list of community IDs for which this share has been endorsed (see below)
	"binaryData" : [bytes] //deprecated location of binary files, only very old documents will still contain this

Field Guide

Endorsed Shares

The "endorsed" parameter allows for applications that use shares (eg aliasing and the widget save framework) to take advantage of the Infinit.e security framework.

A share is automatically endorsed when shared to a community by someone who is one of the above user types.

How the "endorsed" parameter is used is completely up to the application - as a rule of thumb, it can be ignored where the share just contains user generated content that is viewed by other users in the community, but should probably be applied in most cases where the share is used to control the processing.

Authorization Requirements:

A share can only be endorsed for a community by one of the following:

  • A system admin
  • A community owner
  • A community moderator

A share is automatically unendorsed whenever it is modified by someone who is not one of the above user types.




Related Documentation:

Community JSON formats


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