People Manager

People Manager


The People Manager provides a simple web-based user interface for adding/deleting users and performing user profile management (password management, community membership management, etc.).

Authorization Requirements:

The functionality found on the People page is restricted based on account type. System administrators have full access to add, edit, or delete users while standard users will only have access to edit their own data.

Using the People Manager

Adding a New User

You can use the People Manager to add a new user, associate communities, and specify permissions.

To add a new user

  1. Click on New User.
  2. Fill in the required fields.

Specifying the API Key:

TODO add explanation of how this is done.  It is randomly generated from the GUI?

For more information, see section People Manager Interface.


Editing a User

To edit a user click on their Hyperlinked name in the People list on the left hand side of the People page.

Updating User Account Information

To update account information for the user

  1. Click on the name of the user
  2. Update the information in the fields as required.
  3. Click on Save User Account.

You cannot manually edit the display name field and you cannot change the email address since the email address serves as the user name.

Update the User Password 

To update the user password

  1. Type a new password into the Password and Password Confirmation text boxes 
  2. Click on the Update Password.

Add or Remove the User from Communities

Underneath the user Password text boxes is a list of communities that the user can join or is already a member of.

To change the user's membership status for a community

  • Click on the "+" or "-" button.

A user will only be able to see other users that share a community other than the system with the current logged in user, unless the logged in user is an admin.

Filtering By User Name

To filter the people list by user name

  • Type the name of the user into the People filter box at top left.

Deleting Users

You can use the People Manager to delete users.

To delete a user

  • From the People display list interface, click on the "X" button to the right of the user's display name. You will be ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the account.

It is not possible to undo the delete operation.

Bulk Deleting Users

To perform a bulk delete

  1. Select the checkboxes next to users to be deleted 
  2. Click on Delete selected people.

Granting Temporary Admin Rights

You can use the People Manager to grant temporary admin rights.  Each individual user that navigates to the People Manager can turn on the feature for their account.

To grant yourself temporary admin rights

  • From the People Manager interface, click on Grab temp admin rights.  You will be treated like a full administrator for 10 minutes or until logout.  You can also manually give up admin rights using the "Relinquish temp admin rights button."

Relinquishing Temporary Admin Rights

To give up your temporary rights

  • From the People Manager interface, click on Relinquish temp admin rights.


In this section:


Related Reference Documentation:

People Manager Interface


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