Enterprise capabilities
- Alias builder (documentation - in progress)
- Document viewer (documentation)
- Plugin viewers: (related documentation)
- geo
- bar graph
- Case visualizer (documentation)
- Datasift connector (related documentation)
- Link chart widget (documentation to be added)
- Case Manager
- Standalone Case visualizer (documentation)
- Extended chrome extension (partial documentation)
- Source builder GUI (documentation)
- (Alpha) Flow builder GUI (documentation)
- App servers:
- Case manager app server
- Datasift app server (related documentation)
Data Sources
- Datasift Source (related documentation)
- Facebook API
- Twitter API
- NewsCred API
- Exchange connector
- Cyber sources:
- Qualys Host Scans
- Symantec Vulnerabilities
- iSight reporting
- National Vulnerability Database
- (growing daily)
Analytic modules
- Dataset summarizer (documentation)
- Harvest post processor (documentation)
Entity extractors
- Salience NLP (documentation)
- IP geo-locator module
Release notes
(Quarterly releases planned)
September 2014 (v0.3.98)
- Widgets:
- Document viewer
- New features: multi hop and workspace functionality (user curated "buckets", query queues with alerting)
- Link chart
- A new link chart using the same library as the Case Visualizer, supporting assocations and co-references, and better layout algorithms than the event graph
- Document viewer
- Webapps
- Flow builder alpha, allows power users to build specialized components that can be dragged and dropped via an intuitive GUI (that also supports sub-graphs of components, and branching)
July 2014 (v0.3-74)
- Widgets:
- Alias Manager
- Document Discard enables removal of entire documents based on entity contents
- Alias Manager
- Analytic modules
- Dataset summarizer now bundled in RPM
Available with subscription but not bundled in RPM:
- Webapps
- Case Manager Connector: bug fixes
March 2014 (v0.2-73)
- Widgets
- Doc Viewer:
- Cosmetic improvements
- Case visualizer:
- time slider and date handing
- lots of functional and stability bug fixes
- Alias Manager
- Multi select
- Custom Bar Graph Viewer
- Ability to drag to query, export to CSV
- Doc Viewer:
- Webapps
- Source builder
- functional and performance bug fixes
- Monitoring
- Access to Hadoop and MongoDB status pages for Administrators
- Source builder
- Entity extractors:
- Upgrade to Salience
Available with subscription but not bundled in RPM:
- Analytic modules:
- Dataset summarizer
- New sources:
- Qualys Host Scans
- Symantec Vulnerabilities
- National Vulnerability Database
December 2013 - initial release (v0.2-6):
Needs Jan 2014+ OSS release.
Included in RPM:
- Widgets:
- Alias builder
- Improved document viewer (replaces the "Document Browser") from the community build
- Viewers for custom plugin (Hadoop) results:
- geo
- bar graph
- Case visualizer
- Datasift connector
- Webapps
- Source builder GUI
- Monitoring dashboard web pages for Administrators (requires installation of Splunk - community version will normally be sufficient)
- Entity extractors:
- Salience 5.1.6867 (in addition to RPM, need to install an archive on each API node)
Available with subscription but not bundled in RPM
- Case manager
- Case manager - Infinit.e connector
- Datasift - Infinit.e connector
- Various sources:
- Datasift
- Facebook API
- Twitter API
- NewsCred API
- Entity extractors:
- IP geo-locator