3 - infinit.e-config
The infinit.e-config RPM is used to setup the applications and configuration files that have already been installed on the host machine prior to the installation of the Infinit.e platform. The RPM also configures and starts Splunk.
Important Note: Do not install infinit.e-config until you have modified the /mnt/opt/infinit.e-install/config/infinite.configuration.properties file as described in 1 - infinit.e-platform.prerequisites.online or .offline.
Installing Splunk
For application monitoring and log visualization of API nodes, we recommend Splunk - the free license should be sufficient for most uses.
The Config RPM is integrated with Splunk in 2 ways:
- The Splunk configuration is modified to monitor the log files generated by Infinit.e.
- A number of cron jobs (in "/etc/init.d/infinite-logging" invoke Splunk to monitor application performance).
Other than application performance monitoring, Infinit.e will run functionally identically with our without Splunk. Splunk is not used for any of the ingest, search, analysis, aggregation, or visualization components.
Note also that the DB nodes do not use Splunk at all.
Splunk is not bundled with any of the Infinit.e RPMs (it is a commercial piece of software, not Open Source). It should ideally be installed before the config RPM (follow the instructions on the web site). If the Config RPM is installed first, then it must be re-installed after Splunk (eg "rpm -U --force"). Note that Splunk must then be started manually ("/opt/splunk/bin/splunk start") so that the EULA can be accepted.
Installing infinit.e-config
To install from the Ikanow repo, simply run:
yum install infinit.e-config
For offline installs:
Within terminal navigate to the directory that contains the infint.e-config RPM and type the following command to start the installation process:
yum --disablerepo=* localinstall infinit.e-config-*.rpm --nogpgcheck
During the installation process you might encounter the following prompt:
* Starting Splunk... Do you agree with this license [y/n]?:
Type y to proceed with the installation.
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