Infinit.e - a quick start guide to using the platform

1. Install Infinit.e

This is covered in the following pages:

Once the RPMs have been installed, the management GUI can be accessed at "http://<ROOT>/manager", where ROOT is an addressible IP address or hostname. Eg for VMs you can log directly into the guest and use "localhost:8080", or set up an IP address for the guest using eg bridging and then access it from the host. 

Similarly, the main GUI can be accessed at "http://<ROOT>" - note this requires Flash Player 11+ (which will likely not be installed on the guest VM if accessing that locally).

2. Create a user account

The user account GUI is described here.

3. Add a source to the system

The source management GUI is described here.

Two example sources to add to the system are described here.

4. Check on the "harvest" status of the source

Log-in to the main GUI (see Step 5 below).

In a new tab in the same browser, visit "http://<ROOT>/manager" (for the root URL set up in Step 1), and browse to the "Source Monitor" from the home page.

5.  Visualize the documents harvested from the source

The tutorials for using the visualization framework and widgets are here.

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