Base enterprise RPM
If the system is running SELinux, the policycoreutils (el5) or policycoreutils-python (el6) package will need to be installed in order to support commands to manage SELinux permissions. Otherwise, SELinux should be turned off.
Installing infinit.e-enterprise-base
To install from the Ikanow repo, simply run:
yum install infinit.e-enterprise-base*
For offline installs:
Within terminal navigate to the directory that contains the infint.e-interface-engine RPM and type the following command to start the installation process:
yum --disablerepo=* localinstall infinit.e-enterprise-base*.rpm --nogpgcheck
During the installation process you might encounter the following prompt:
* Starting Splunk... Do you agree with this license [y/n]?:
Type y to proceed with the installation.
After installing the base enterprise RPM, the API node must be restarted to enable API monitoring
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