(Experimental) Load some sample data into the platform
(Experimental) Load some sample data into the platform
Download the 3 attachments to this page onto your platform (preload_data_enron.tgz, preload_data_wits.tgz, preload_data.tgz) to the "/mnt" directory.
Run the following bash script:
# 1] Upload the database cd /mnt tar xzvf preload_data.tgz mongorestore saved/ rm -rf saved/ # 1.5] Tidy up the uploaded database mongo social --eval 'db.setup.drop()' mongo social --eval 'db.community.update({"isSystemCommunity":false,"isPersonalCommunity":false},{$set:{members:[],numberOfMembers:0}},false,true)' # 2] Index the uploaded data /etc/init.d/infinite-px-engine stop java -jar /opt/infinite-home/lib/infinit.e.mongo-indexer.jar --doc --verify --query '{}' java -jar /opt/infinite-home/lib/infinit.e.mongo-indexer.jar --assoc --rebuild --query '{}' java -jar /opt/infinite-home/lib/infinit.e.mongo-indexer.jar --entity --rebuild --query '{}' /etc/init.d/infinite-px-engine start # 3] Put the files in place (not critical, but otherwise can't view the files from the GUI and will get source errors) mkdir -p /mnt/infinite_data/enron cd /mnt/infinite_data/enron tar xzvf /mnt/preload_data_enron.tgz cd / tar xzvf /mnt/preload_data_wits.tgz
Now log into the manager as an admin user, go to the people page, select the user(s) who will log into the GUI, and add them to the communities (bottom of the page, press the '+' button for each of the three).
Finally log into the GUI as one of the above users, check all 3 communities are selected from the Source Manager (or whatever subset you want to access), and type "*" into the query box (top left).
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