Process Existing Records

Process Existing Records


	public static class RecordByIndexQuery {
		public List<String> types; // List of elasticsearch types to filter on
		public enum StreamingMode { streaming, stashed, both };
		public StreamingMode streamingMode; // Which records table to take data from (stashed is normally demo or persistent data, streaming is normally live logs)
		public String tmin; // Maps Infinit.e-query style time strings (including "now", "now-1d" etc) onto an indexed field in the specified collection to support time-boxing the input
		public String tmax;	 // Maps Infinit.e-query style time strings (including "now", "now-1d" etc) onto an indexed field in the specified collection to support time-boxing the input
		public String query; // A string representing a JSON query in elasticsearch format (can also be in "URL format" eg q=<query string>)
		public String filter; // A string representing a JSON filter in elasticsearch format (currently not compatible with tmin/tmax)