Automated text extraction

Automated text extraction


Automated text extraction loads a JAR-based text extractor (often connecting to a remote service) that takes raw text (typically HTML), extracts the relevant content (ideally stripping out noise like advertisements, sidebars, related content, etc.), and places that content in the document's full text.

Multiple "textEngine" blocks can be used in a single pipeline. If you want each engine to use the original raw text from URL, you should place a "textEngine": { "engineName": "raw"  } block in front of subsequent blocks.

In this section:


	"display": string, //for display purposes only, a string to help creator keep track of this block
	"textEngine": {
		"criteria":string, // A javascript expression that is passed the document as _doc - if returns false then this pipeline element is bypassed
		"engineName":string, // The name of the text engine to use (can be fully qualified (eg "com.ikanow.infinit.e.harvest.boilerpipe"), or just the name (eg "boilerpipe") if the engine is registered in the Infinit.e system configuration)
		"engineConfig" {"config_param_name":string,...}, // The configuration object to be passed to the engine
		"exitOnError": boolean // if true (default) true then errors during featureExtraction will cause the doc to be removed from the pipeline. If false, the processing will continue.


Automated text extraction uses a specified extraction engine to automatically extract useful text that can then be used later in the pipeline to generate metadata, entities and associations. This is not to be confused with feature extraction, which further enriches the source data by creating entities and associations. Feature extraction is a separate stage in the pipeline with different extraction engines. For more information, see Feature extraction.

In all cases, if the "document.url" field does not start with "http" and a "document.displayUrl" field exists, then the later field is used instead. If a web proxy is in place (either for the source or globally), then HTTP requests will be routed via that web proxy.

The following table describes the parameters of the automated text extraction configuration.


A javascript expression that is passed the document as _doc - if returns false then this pipeline element is bypassed

The engineName parameter is used to set the text engine which will automatically perform text extraction.
The engineConfig parameter is used to configure the text extractor options.
If true, then errors during featureExtraction will cause the document to be removed from the pipeline. If false, the processing will continue. (default = "true")

Supported Engines

IKANOW's automated text extraction mechanism supports the following engines:

  • Alchemy API* ("alchemyapi" or "alchemyapi-metadata")
  • Boilerpipe ("boilerpipe")
  • Tika ("tika")
  • External Script ("externalscript")
  • Together with the built-in:
    • "raw" - Extracts the raw content from the URL. No further processing occurs.
    • "none" - Removes existing text blocks from the document.


*Alchemy API can perform both text extraction using the Alchemy API and feature extraction using the Alchemy metadata API. The Alchemy API configuration parameters are covered on the Feature extraction page.

Alchemy API

AlchemyAPI uses sophisticated machine learning techniques to extract human-readable text from web pages.  In practice, its text extraction performance is comparable to boilerpipe (in some cases it works better, in other cases it is worse).

The AlchemyAPI text extractor only works on HTML, but its feature extractor will work on other content once converted to text. For example, given PDFs you would need to use "tika" to extract text, and then pass the text to the AlchemyAPI feature engine.

AlchemyAPI has a size limit of ~145KB.

In addition, if "alchemyapi-metadata" is used then keywords and topics can be extracted during the text phase. For more information, see Feature extraction.

If no "textEngine" is specified, and "alchemyapi" or "alchemyapi-metadata" are used as a "featureEngine", then their text extraction capability is automatically applied.


Apache Tika is used to process Word docs, PDFs, and other Office-type documents, and can also be used for processing HTML text from web pages.

For more information regarding Tika configuration see File extractor.

When using File extractor you can use the XmlRootLevelValues parameter to configure Tika.  When using Automated text extraction the same configuration options are applicable: Configure Tika output format, or configure Tika elements (bypass).

Output Format:

The options are the same except in terms of format.  The string to the left of the ":" is the key, the value to the right is the value.

In the case of specifying a mediatype, the string can end "?" then any number of digits, in order to make the key unique.

eg "application/xml?1":"{/*json&/}",  "application/xml?2":"{/*json&/}",  etc.


In the case of "bypass", you can append digits to make the key unique,

e.g. "bypass1": "application/xml", "bypass2": "message/rfc822", etc.


Boilerpipe is used to extract relevant text from web data (eg stripping out ads). If boilerpipe extracts non-HTML content from the URL, then the data is passed to tika first (it is not possible to configure tika unlike for the actual "tika" "textEngine").

Currently, there are no configuration parameters of note, and the default configuration will perform basic text extraction.

If a document already has text (fullText.length > 0), then the URL is ignored, and boilerpipe is run on the passed-in text. If you want to extract directly from the URL then insert a textEngine with "raw" or "none" in front.

Note that boilerpipe has a maximum document size of 2MB. 


External Script

External Script is used to extract output of a script and place it into the document's Full Text. Configuration parameters should be set in the Extractor Options.

Specifying the Script:

The script can be specified with the "script" parameter (required.) The script must be located in a designated external scripts folder and must have the community id specified in the parent folder. eg "/mnt/opt/external-scripts/AGSD79DS9/myscript.sh"

Specifying Script Arguments:

Script arguments 1 by 1. eg if you would normally call your script by myscript.sh this that. You would set "arg1":"this"  and "arg2":"that" .



Possible values:





This is a required field.

The script must be located in a designated external scripts folder and must have the community id specified in the parent folder.

The specified script should contain a shebang .


eg. arg1, arg2, arg3...

Possible values:

"Any String"

Script arguments can be specified with this field. Args should be specified sequentially (so specifying arg1 and arg3 only will not provide the correct results without first specifying a value for arg2)


Possible values:


Value specifies the number of milliseconds before the script times out. After a timeout, the output that has been produced will still be collected. Admins can set this value as high as they would like while users cannot exceed a pre-set maximum time per source.

Admin Only


Possible values:

true or false

false is the default setting.

If enabled, this will produce debugging output to stdout (catalina.out)


Possible values:

true or false

false is the default setting.

If enabled, this will produce debugging output to stderr.


Possible values:

true or false

false is the default setting.

If enabled, this will add any errors in your provided script to the FullText value of the document.




Extractor Comparisons

Consider the following html source here.

By selecting the different automated text extractors that are possible in the configuration, the output will vary accordingly.

Alchemy API

Extracts text from the web page and places it in the document's fullText.


    "_id": "53ff4888e4b005d3891eab23",
    "communityIds": [
    "created": "Aug 28, 2014 03:19:36 PM UTC",
    "description": "cnn",
    "harvestBadSource": false,
    "isApproved": true,
    "key": "www.cnn.com.2014.08.28.world.meast.isis-iraq-syria.index..",
    "mediaType": "html",
    "modified": "Aug 28, 2014 03:19:36 PM UTC",
    "ownerId": "5346aa83e4b017d7e4acadb5",
    "processingPipeline": [
            "web": {
                "extraUrls": [
                        "url": "http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/28/world/meast/isis-iraq-syria/index.html",
                        "title": "U.N. says peacekeepers detained in Golan Heights - CNN.com",
                        "description": "(no description)"
            "display": ""
            "textEngine": {
                "exitOnError": true,
                "engineName": "alchemyapi"
            "display": ""
    "shah256Hash": "7DrUfLPz4DS3w1xLz0o1ait2DrDUPmqPOGSJDiXt77o=",
    "title": "cnn world"



    "communityId": ["53add292e4b015f8f5817611"],
    "created": "Aug 28, 2014 03:41:16 PM UTC",
    "description": "(no description)",
    "fullText": "(CNN) -- [Breaking news update at 10:47 a.m.]  \nAn armed group detained 43 U.N. peacekeepers in the Golan Heights area early Thursday, the U.N. said. \n[Previous story, published at 10:09 a.m.] \nFresh fighting in Iraq; ISIS claims mass execution in Syria \n(CNN) -- ISIS said Thursday that it has executed at least 250 Syrian soldiers at an air base in the northeastern city of Raqqa. \nThe group said on one of its official websites that it killed the soldiers Wednesday. It also claimed to have killed some 600 government soldiers in the fight for the al Tabqa air base since August 19. \nThe Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, meanwhile, reported that 200 Syrian soldiers and 346 ISIS fighters died in the fight for the air base. Hundreds more were wounded, the London-based activist group said. \nCNN could not independently confirm the claims. \nThe news comes amid reports of fresh fighting near the Mosul Dam and the burning of oil wells near the strategic town of Zummar, Iraq -- important because of its location near a main road connecting Mosul to the Syrian border.  \n Signs point to U.S. airstrikes in Syria   \n Car bomb detonates in Baghdad rush hour   \n What would McCain do against ISIS?   \nThe Peshmerga are battling the militants near the town of Zummar, the Mosul Dam and the strategic Ayn Zala oilfields, which ISIS forces seized from the Kurds this month, said Faud Hussein, chief of staff for Kurdish regional President Masoud Barzani. \nTorching the oil wells is an apparent effort by ISIS fighters to cover their tracks as Peshmerga forces press toward ISIS positions, Hussein said. \nThe extent of the damage to the oil fields wasn't immediately known. \nAt least 50 ISIS militants were killed in fighting near the Mosul Dam on Thursday, said Hemin Hawrami, head of the Foreign Relations Office of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. Kurdish forces also destroyed several ISIS vehicles, he said. \nOne Peshmerga fighter died and five were wounded in the fighting, Hawrami said. \nThe fighting comes nearly two weeks after thousands of Peshmerga and Iraqi commandos ousted ISIS forces for control of the dam, a crucial facility that provides electricity for millions of people in Iraq. \nKurdish officials have credited U.S. airstrikes against ISIS -- which calls itself the \"Islamic State\" -- with helping Peshmerga forces push back against ISIS forces, whose breathtaking gains and brutal tactics captured the attention of world leaders. \nMeanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama is considering airstrikes and humanitarian airdrops to help save thousands of Iraq's Shiite Turkmen, who officials said face potential slaughter by ISIS. \nISIS fighters have besieged the town of Amerli, about 140 miles (225 kilometers) southeast of Mosul, since the Sunni extremists swept into Iraq from Syria in mid-June. The town's fewer than 20,000 residents -- half of them women and children, according to the United Nations -- are without power. \n\"Residents are enduring harsh living conditions with severe food and water shortages, and a complete absence of medical services -- and there are fears of a possible imminent massacre,\" U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said this week. \nTheir situation echoes the ordeal of Iraq's ethnic Yazidis, whose plight after they were forced to flee into the mountains to escape ISIS militants triggered U.S. aid drops and the first U.S. airstrikes against ISIS. \nSimilar to the chaotic scenes that played out in the Sinjar Mountains, Iraqi military helicopters have been carrying out food drops and picking up Turkmen desperate to get out. \nWhich groups are at risk in Iraq? \nScant defenses \nSurrounded on four sides, the 17,400 residents have had to defend themselves with only the help of local police, Masrwr Aswad of Iraq's Human Rights Commission has said. \nISIS has vowed to push the Shiite Turkmen out, calling them heretics. \nTurkmen are descendants of Turkic-speaking, traditionally nomadic people who share cultural ties with Turkey. There are Sunni and Shiite Turkmen in Iraq, and they account for up to 3% of Iraq's population. \nU.N. report alleges atrocities \nOn Wednesday, U.N. human rights investigators accused ISIS and Syrian government forces of committing war crimes and atrocities in their brutal fight in Syria. \nThe U.N. report said public executions, torture and mock crucifixions have become regular fixtures in ISIS-controlled areas of Syria. It also said that the extremist group is forcing children to fight. \n\"Among the most disturbing findings in this report are accounts of large training camps, where children, mostly boys, from the age of 14 are recruited and trained to fight in the ranks of ISIS along with adults,\" said Paulo Pinheiro, the chairman of the U.N. commission of inquiry on Syria. \nThe report also accuses the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of repeatedly using chemical weapons against civilians. \nThe U.N. investigators said the Syrian government dropped what was thought to be chlorine gas on civilian areas on eight different occasions in April. \nThe government forces are believed to have made particular use of barrel bombs dropped by helicopters to unleash the gas, said Vitit Muntarbhorn, a commissioner with the inquiry. \nU.S. airstrikes in Syria? \nChelsea J. Carter and Michael Pearson reported and wrote from Atlanta. CNN's Barbara Starr, Anna Coren, Hala Gorani and Jethro Mullen contributed to this report.",
    "mediaType": ["html"],
    "modified": "Aug 28, 2014 03:41:16 PM UTC",
    "publishedDate": "Aug 28, 2014 03:41:16 PM UTC",
    "source": ["cnn world"],
    "sourceKey": ["www.cnn.com.2014.08.28.world.meast.isis-iraq-syria.index.."],
    "title": "U.N. says peacekeepers detained in Golan Heights - CNN.com",
    "url": "http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/28/world/meast/isis-iraq-syria/index.html"


Alchemy API Metadata

Extracts text from the web page and also provides entities and associations.


    "_id": "53ff4888e4b005d3891eab23",
    "communityIds": [
    "created": "Aug 28, 2014 03:19:36 PM UTC",
    "description": "cnn",
    "harvestBadSource": false,
    "isApproved": true,
    "key": "www.cnn.com.2014.08.28.world.meast.isis-iraq-syria.index..",
    "mediaType": "html",
    "modified": "Aug 28, 2014 03:19:36 PM UTC",
    "ownerId": "5346aa83e4b017d7e4acadb5",
    "processingPipeline": [
            "web": {
                "extraUrls": [
                        "url": "http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/28/world/meast/isis-iraq-syria/index.html",
                        "title": "U.N. says peacekeepers detained in Golan Heights - CNN.com",
                        "description": "(no description)"
            "display": ""
            "textEngine": {
                "exitOnError": true,
                "engineName": "alchemyapi-metadata"
            "display": ""
    "shah256Hash": "7DrUfLPz4DS3w1xLz0o1ait2DrDUPmqPOGSJDiXt77o=",
    "title": "cnn world"



fulltext has been disabled to provide a more succinct example.

    "communityId": ["53add292e4b015f8f5817611"],
    "created": "Aug 28, 2014 03:45:54 PM UTC",
    "description": "(no description)",
    "entities": [
            "actual_name": "ISIS",
            "dimension": "What",
            "disambiguated_name": "ISIS",
            "doccount": 0,
            "frequency": 1,
            "index": "isis/keyword",
            "relevance": 0.975508,
            "sentiment": -0.124779,
            "totalfrequency": -1,
            "type": "Keyword"
            "actual_name": "U.S. airstrikes",
            "dimension": "What",
            "disambiguated_name": "U.S. airstrikes",
            "doccount": 0,
            "frequency": 1,
            "index": "u.s. airstrikes/keyword",
            "relevance": 0.830272,
            "sentiment": -0.387974,
            "totalfrequency": -1,
            "type": "Keyword"
            "actual_name": "ISIS militants",
            "dimension": "What",
            "disambiguated_name": "ISIS militants",
            "doccount": 0,
            "frequency": 1,
            "index": "isis militants/keyword",
            "relevance": 0.813208,
            "sentiment": -0.343482,
            "totalfrequency": -1,
            "type": "Keyword"
            "actual_name": "ISIS fighters",
            "dimension": "What",
            "disambiguated_name": "ISIS fighters",
            "doccount": 0,
            "frequency": 1,
            "index": "isis fighters/keyword",
            "relevance": 0.809866,
            "sentiment": -0.356031,
            "totalfrequency": -1,
            "type": "Keyword"
    "mediaType": ["html"],
    "modified": "Aug 28, 2014 03:45:54 PM UTC",
    "publishedDate": "Aug 28, 2014 03:45:54 PM UTC",
    "source": ["cnn world"],
    "sourceKey": ["www.cnn.com.2014.08.28.world.meast.isis-iraq-syria.index.."],
    "title": "U.N. says peacekeepers detained in Golan Heights - CNN.com",
    "url": "http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/28/world/meast/isis-iraq-syria/index.html"



Very similar text extraction as Alchemy API.


Same as examples above, only

"engineName": "boilerpipe"



    "communityId": ["53add292e4b015f8f5817611"],
    "created": "Aug 28, 2014 03:50:28 PM UTC",
    "description": "(no description)",
    "fullText": "U.N. says peacekeepers detained by armed group in Golan Heights\nBy Chelsea J. Carter and Michael Pearson, CNN\nupdated 10:47 AM EDT, Thu August 28, 2014\nSTORY HIGHLIGHTS\nISIS claims to have executed 250 Syrian soldiers\nMilitants set fire to oil wells amid continued fighting near Mosul Dam and a strategic town\nAbout 50 militants and one Peshmerga fighter are dead, a Kurdish official says\nThe U.S. is considering airstrikes to aid Turkmen besieged by ISIS\n(CNN) -- [Breaking news update at 10:47 a.m.]\nAn armed group detained 43 U.N. peacekeepers in the Golan Heights area early Thursday, the U.N. said.\n[Previous story, published at 10:09 a.m.]\nFresh fighting in Iraq; ISIS claims mass execution in Syria\n(CNN) -- ISIS said Thursday that it has executed at least 250 Syrian soldiers at an air base in the northeastern city of Raqqa.\nThe group said on one of its official websites that it killed the soldiers Wednesday. It also claimed to have killed some 600 government soldiers in the fight for the al Tabqa air base since August 19.\nThe Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, meanwhile, reported that 200 Syrian soldiers and 346 ISIS fighters died in the fight for the air base. Hundreds more were wounded, the London-based activist group said.\nCNN could not independently confirm the claims.\nThe news comes amid reports of fresh fighting near the Mosul Dam and the burning of oil wells near the strategic town of Zummar, Iraq -- important because of its location near a main road connecting Mosul to the Syrian border.\nSigns point to U.S. airstrikes in Syria\nCar bomb detonates in Baghdad rush hour\nCongresswoman questions Obama ISIS plan\nWhat would McCain do against ISIS?\nThe Peshmerga are battling the militants near the town of Zummar, the Mosul Dam and the strategic Ayn Zala oilfields, which ISIS forces seized from the Kurds this month, said Faud Hussein, chief of staff for Kurdish regional President Masoud Barzani.\nTorching the oil wells is an apparent effort by ISIS fighters to cover their tracks as Peshmerga forces press toward ISIS positions, Hussein said.\nThe extent of the damage to the oil fields wasn't immediately known.\nAt least 50 ISIS militants were killed in fighting near the Mosul Dam on Thursday, said Hemin Hawrami, head of the Foreign Relations Office of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. Kurdish forces also destroyed several ISIS vehicles, he said.\nOne Peshmerga fighter died and five were wounded in the fighting, Hawrami said.\nThe fighting comes nearly two weeks after thousands of Peshmerga and Iraqi commandos ousted ISIS forces for control of the dam, a crucial facility that provides electricity for millions of people in Iraq.\nKurdish officials have credited U.S. airstrikes against ISIS -- which calls itself the \"Islamic State\" -- with helping Peshmerga forces push back against ISIS forces, whose breathtaking gains and brutal tactics captured the attention of world leaders.\nMeanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama is considering airstrikes and humanitarian airdrops to help save thousands of Iraq's Shiite Turkmen, who officials said face potential slaughter by ISIS.\nISIS fighters have besieged the town of Amerli , about 140 miles (225 kilometers) southeast of Mosul, since the Sunni extremists swept into Iraq from Syria in mid-June. The town's fewer than 20,000 residents -- half of them women and children, according to the United Nations -- are without power.\n\"Residents are enduring harsh living conditions with severe food and water shortages, and a complete absence of medical services -- and there are fears of a possible imminent massacre,\" U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said this week.\nTheir situation echoes the ordeal of Iraq's ethnic Yazidis , whose plight after they were forced to flee into the mountains to escape ISIS militants triggered U.S. aid drops and the first U.S. airstrikes against ISIS.\nSimilar to the chaotic scenes that played out in the Sinjar Mountains, Iraqi military helicopters have been carrying out food drops and picking up Turkmen desperate to get out.\nWhich groups are at risk in Iraq?\nScant defenses\nSurrounded on four sides, the 17,400 residents have had to defend themselves with only the help of local police, Masrwr Aswad of Iraq's Human Rights Commission has said.\nISIS has vowed to push the Shiite Turkmen out, calling them heretics.\nTurkmen are descendants of Turkic-speaking, traditionally nomadic people who share cultural ties with Turkey. There are Sunni and Shiite Turkmen in Iraq, and they account for up to 3% of Iraq's population.\nU.N. report alleges atrocities\nOn Wednesday, U.N. human rights investigators accused ISIS and Syrian government forces of committing war crimes and atrocities in their brutal fight in Syria.\nThe U.N. report said public executions, torture and mock crucifixions have become regular fixtures in ISIS-controlled areas of Syria. It also said that the extremist group is forcing children to fight.\n\"Among the most disturbing findings in this report are accounts of large training camps, where children, mostly boys, from the age of 14 are recruited and trained to fight in the ranks of ISIS along with adults,\" said Paulo Pinheiro, the chairman of the U.N. commission of inquiry on Syria.\nThe report also accuses the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of repeatedly using chemical weapons against civilians.\nThe U.N. investigators said the Syrian government dropped what was thought to be chlorine gas on civilian areas on eight different occasions in April.\nThe government forces are believed to have made particular use of barrel bombs dropped by helicopters to unleash the gas, said Vitit Muntarbhorn, a commissioner with the inquiry.\n",
    "mediaType": ["html"],
    "modified": "Aug 28, 2014 03:50:28 PM UTC",
    "publishedDate": "Aug 28, 2014 03:50:28 PM UTC",
    "source": ["cnn world"],
    "sourceKey": ["www.cnn.com.2014.08.28.world.meast.isis-iraq-syria.index.."],
    "title": "U.N. says peacekeepers detained in Golan Heights - CNN.com",
    "url": "http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/28/world/meast/isis-iraq-syria/index.html"



Tiak can be used specifically to process text from pdf files located on the web

Consider the pdf file located here.

Tika will process the pdf and add additional metadata and keywords.


same as examples above, only

"engineName": "tika"


fullText has been disabled to provide a more succinct example.

    "communityId": ["53add292e4b015f8f5817611"],
    "created": "Aug 28, 2014 04:35:38 PM UTC",
    "description": "(no description)",
    "mediaType": ["pdf"],
    "metadata": {"_FILE_METADATA_": [{"metadata": {
        "Author": ["Ben Connable"],
        "Content-Type": ["application/pdf"],
        "Creation-Date": ["2012-07-12T14:32:08Z"],
        "GTS_PDFXConformance": ["PDF/X-1a:2001"],
        "GTS_PDFXVersion": ["PDF/X-1:2001"],
        "Last-Modified": ["2012-07-12T18:27:42Z"],
        "created": ["Thu Jul 12 10:32:08 EDT 2012"],
        "creator": ["Adobe InDesign CS5 (7.0.4)"],
        "producer": ["Acrobat Distiller 10.1.3 (Macintosh)"],
        "subject": ["This paper proposes a paradigm shift in how military intelligence is fused. The concept, behavioral intelligence analysis, provides a more complete picture of the complex counterinsurgency environment."],
        "title": ["Military Intelligence Fusion for Complex Operations: A New Paradigm"],
        "trapped": ["False"],
        "xmpTPg:NPages": ["38"]
    "modified": "Aug 28, 2014 04:35:38 PM UTC",
    "publishedDate": "Jul 12, 2012 02:32:08 PM UTC",
    "source": ["pdf military"],
    "sourceKey": ["www.rand.org.content.dam.rand.pubs.occasional_papers.2012."],
    "title": "Military Intelligence Fusion for Complex Operations: A New Paradigm",
    "url": "http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/occasional_papers/2012/RAND_OP377.pdf"



Legacy documentation:

Legacy documentation:


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