Actionscript - Cookies - Login, Get Person, Logout

Actionscript - Login for cookie, send cookie to get/person, logout
protected function button_clickHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void
    //set up url
    var username:String = "";
    var hashedpassword:String = "WZRHGrsBESr8wYFZ9sx0tPURuZgG2lmzyvWpwXPKz8U%3D"; //don't forget to URLEncode your arguments
    var address:String = "" + username + "/" + hashedpassword;
	//send login request
    var httpService:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
    httpService.addEventListener( ResultEvent.RESULT, httpResultHandler );
    httpService.addEventListener( FaultEvent.FAULT, httpFaultHandler );
    httpService.url = address;

protected function httpResultHandler( event:ResultEvent ):void
    //convert result json string to an as3 object using the as3corelib library
    //available at:
    var jsonObject:Object = JSON.decode( event.result.toString(), true );
    if ( jsonObject.response.success == true )
        //successfully logged in, cookies are automatically stored in flash so no need to handle them
		//send request for our person object (will print out in httpPersonResultHandler)
        var httpService:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
        httpService.addEventListener( ResultEvent.RESULT, httpPersonResultHandler );
        httpService.addEventListener( FaultEvent.FAULT, httpFaultHandler );
        httpService.url = "";

protected function httpPersonResultHandler( event:ResultEvent ):void
    //just print out person result json event.result.toString() );
	var httpService:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
	httpService.url = "";

protected function httpFaultHandler( event:FaultEvent ):void
{ "Http Request had an error: " + event.message );