Returns a single event w/ geotag markup if necessary. This is just a wrapper around the Infinit.e API call knowledge/document/get/{doc_id} that also calls the Infinit.e API call knowledge/feature/geoSuggest and appends the result to the doc under the field docLocation
See the below link for more url options for generating fake data and updating legacy events
The 2 url arguments presented are recommended to ensure that the event returned is in a usable format for the ui and the response stream is smaller by removing unnecessary elements.
Possible Methods
curl -b cookies.txt -X GET "http://localhost:8185/event/53476672e4b0c89ddd3bfd1d?verify_graph_data=true&hide_data=true" > response.txt
Example Response
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(Feb 2, 2014 9:49:58 PM) \nJordyDardon: twitter (JordyDardon): @Sommer_Analy Linda la Foto Amor :D TeAmo:** (Feb 2, 2014 9:54:47 PM) \nLuisaMolina: twitter (LuisaMolina): loved so much... and cry... with the @budweiser #bestbuds commercial.... (Feb 2, 2014 9:55:09 PM) \nDayanaReyes_14: twitter (DayanaReyes_14): @VzDesimeKevin JAJAJAJJA UY (Feb 2, 2014 10:16:07 PM) \njust_raque: twitter (just_raque): @GutyParty Pst' :D (Feb 2, 2014 10:17:48 PM) \nEnryLouper: twitter (EnryLouper): @Francis96Ch r u awake? i need say something. (Feb 2, 2014 10:24:35 PM) \nel_kev0: twitter (el_kev0): Buenas Noches' (Feb 2, 2014 10:42:28 PM) \nYeyoofer: twitter (Yeyoofer): hello (Feb 2, 2014 10:46:01 PM) \nCocaQuinteros_: twitter (CocaQuinteros_): @Jennifer2136 2 HORAS MI AMOR!!! (Feb 2, 2014 11:03:43 PM) \nTania_Arriola: twitter (Tania_Arriola): Tres coronas <3 (Feb 2, 2014 11:12:30 PM) \nTheOwlady: twitter (TheOwlady): too many (Feb 2, 2014 11:23:10 PM) \n___HilaryIDL: twitter (___HilaryIDL): Robert Pattinson <-- Ese Hombre es Horrible (Feb 2, 2014 11:30:28 PM) \n", "entities": [ { "disambiguated_name": "marcosandresss", "index": "marcosandresss/twitteruser", "actual_name": "marcosandresss", "type": "TwitterUser", "relevance": 1, "frequency": 1, "totalfrequency": 81, "doccount": 111, "dimension": "Who", "linkdata": [ "http://twitter.com/marcosandresss" ], "sentiment": 0 }, { "disambiguated_name": "male", "index": "male/gender", "actual_name": "male", "type": "Gender", "relevance": 0.1, "frequency": 1, "totalfrequency": 4617, "doccount": 5431, "dimension": "What" }, { "disambiguated_name": "Chiapas, Mexico, Mexico", "index": "chiapas, mexico, mexico/region", "actual_name": "Chiapas", "type": "Region", "relevance": 0.5, "frequency": 1, "totalfrequency": 531, 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