Search - Feed
Returns a list of documents that should just be nsight-events for a given channel_id or the posted data (cannot be both)
This function has 2 modes:
- Initial search mode which corresponds to the POST version, takes a list of keywords and locations and returns a feed of related events to start building a channel from, can pass an optional ?channel_id=id to have the searches effect the channels score
- Channel search mode which corresponds to the GET version, takes a channel_id and returns a feed of significant events based on the scoring of a channel (liked/disliked events).
Possible Methods
channel_id: (optional) id of the channel you want to return a feed for, used in the GET request or when passed as a query param in the POST request, will update score for that channel based on keyword searches
Json Object
SearchFeedApiPojo { List<String> search_terms = new ArrayList<String>(); List<ChannelLocationApiPojo> locations = new ArrayList<ChannelLocationApiPojo>(); } ChannelLocationApiPojo { String location_id; Double latitude; Double longitude; Double radius; Date timestamp; }
curl -b cookies.txt -X GET "http://localhost:8185/search/feed/531f3e50b8e0a93944925594" > response.txt curl -b cookies.txt -X POST -d '{ "search_terms":["obama","white house"], "locations":[{"latitude":38.881813, "longitude":-76.992188, "radius":500.0}] }' "http://localhost:8185/search/feed" > response.txtÂ
Example Response
curl -b cookies.txt -X GET "http://localhost:8185/search/feed/531f3e50b8e0a93944925594" > response.txt
 { "response": { "action": "Query", "success": true, "message": "((tags:twitter)) or ((tags:sandy)) or ((tags:custom)) or ((index:\"captainbigbones/twitterhandle\")) or ((index:\"btw 2nd/keyword\" OR ((\"btw 2nd\")))) or ((index:\"brhoboken/twitterhandle\")) or ((index:\"@hobokenproblems/twitterer\")) or ((index:\"@hiddenhoboken/twitterer\"))", "time": 5457 }, "data": [{ "_id": "52e2e84ae4b013563c3ea317", "title": "score:0.0580 (4 tweets, 3.0 posters), [nyc ], eg: Lane Savage: NYC sleeps after all. #HurricaneSandy", "url": "inf://custom/52e054d9e4b04bbf8b8621d7/yuri_idf_clusterer_04_smaller_clusters/52e079a7e4b08dc56ad49806.json", "created": "Jan 24, 2014 10:21:21 PM UTC", "modified": "Jan 23, 2014 02:01:04 AM UTC", "publishedDate": "Oct 30, 2012 02:22:00 AM UTC", "source": ["clusters_from_clusterer_04"], "sourceKey": ["inf...custom.yuri_idf_clusterer_04.geo_only."], "mediaType": ["Record"], "description": "Lane Savage: NYC sleeps after all. #HurricaneSandy\nJonathan C. Zaback: BREAKING: The water level at the Battery in #NYC has reached 11.25 feet, surpassing the all-time record of 11.2 feet set in 1821. #Sandy\nSophie Masure: NYC #blackout #sandy @ Chelsea\nSophie Masure: Out street #blackout #sandy @ Chelsea\n", "entities": [{ "disambiguated_name": "", "index": "", "actual_name": "", "type": "url", "relevance": 0.5, "frequency": 1, "totalfrequency": 0, "doccount": 1, "dimension": "What", "significance": 0.03152317847757192, "datasetSignificance": 0.03152317847757192, "queryCoverage": 0.29940119760479045, "averageFreq": 0.0029940119760479044 }, { "disambiguated_name": "lanesavage", "index": "lanesavage/twitterhandle", "actual_name": "Lane Savage", "type": "TwitterHandle", "relevance": 0.0, "frequency": 1, "totalfrequency": 0, "doccount": 2, "dimension": "Who", "linkdata": [""], "significance": 0.06295253783287143, "datasetSignificance": 0.04431605199110648, "queryCoverage": 0.5988023952095809, "averageFreq": 0.005988023952095809 }, { "disambiguated_name": "NYC", "index": "nyc/location", "actual_name": "NYC", "type": "Location", "relevance": 0.0, "frequency": 1, "totalfrequency": 0, "doccount": 115, "geotag": { "lat": 42.1497, "lon": -74.9384 }, "dimension": "Where", "ontology_type": "point", "significance": 9.45619726379861, "datasetSignificance": 6.262925882011357, "queryCoverage": 34.4311377245509, "averageFreq": 0.344311377245509 }, { "disambiguated_name": "HurricaneSandy", "index": "hurricanesandy/hashtag", "actual_name": "HurricaneSandy", "type": "HashTag", "relevance": 0.0, "frequency": 1, "totalfrequency": 0, "doccount": 99, "dimension": "What", "significance": 8.296359196919038, "datasetSignificance": 5.1065210676256365, "queryCoverage": 29.64071856287425, "averageFreq": 0.2964071856287425 }, { "disambiguated_name": "water level", "index": "water level/keyword", "actual_name": "water level", "type": "Keyword", "relevance": 1.0, "frequency": 1, "totalfrequency": 0, "doccount": 3, "dimension": "What", "sentiment": -0.5450000166893005, "significance": 0.09428863485716633, "datasetSignificance": 0.06453025159044914, "queryCoverage": 0.8982035928143715, "averageFreq": 0.008982035928143714, "positiveSentiment": 0.0, "negativeSentiment": -1.1450000405311584, "sentimentCount": 3 }, { "disambiguated_name": "time record", "index": "time record/keyword", "actual_name": "time record", "type": "Keyword", "relevance": 1.0, "frequency": 1, "totalfrequency": 0, "doccount": 2, "dimension": "What", "sentiment": -0.5450000166893005, "significance": 0.06295253783287143, "datasetSignificance": 0.03602253489385352, "queryCoverage": 0.5988023952095809, "averageFreq": 0.005988023952095809, "positiveSentiment": 0.0, "negativeSentiment": -0.5450000166893005, "sentimentCount": 1 }, { "disambiguated_name": "zabackj", "index": "zabackj/twitterhandle", "actual_name": "Jonathan C. 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"Event" }, { "entity1": "sophiemasure", "entity1_index": "sophiemasure/twitterhandle", "verb": "tweets_about", "verb_category": "tweets_about", "entity2": "sandy", "entity2_index": "sandy/hashtag", "assoc_type": "Event" }, { "entity1": "sophiemasure", "entity1_index": "sophiemasure/twitterhandle", "verb": "tweets_link", "verb_category": "tweets_link", "entity2": "", "entity2_index": "", "assoc_type": "Event" }, { "entity1": "sophiemasure", "entity1_index": "sophiemasure/twitterhandle", "verb": "tweets_link", "verb_category": "tweets_link", "entity2": "", "entity2_index": "", "assoc_type": "Event" }], "metadata": { "json": [{ "_id": "52e079a7e4b08dc56ad49806", "center": { "lat": "40.74415536", "lon": "-73.9989422025" }, "count": "4", "event": "false", "key": "405:-740", "locationBot": "false", "locationBotIndex": "0.75", "maxTime": "Tue Oct 30 02:49:41 UTC 2012", "mergeIterations": "0", "minTime": "Tue Oct 30 02:22:00 UTC 2012", "significantTerms": { "clusterScores": { "D(TIMEKEY)": "88134.0", "SUM(TF)/(TWEETS_COUNT*3)": "0.2222222222222222", "SUM(TF* LOG(D(TIMEKEY)/D(T,TIMEKEY)))/(TWEETS_COUNT*3)": "0.6614578548224747", "SUM(TF* LOG(D(TIMEKEY)/D(T,TIMEKEY)))/(TWEETS_COUNT*3*LOG(D(TIMEKEY)))": "0.058090831429314774", "SUM(TF* LOG(D/D(T)))/(TWEETS_COUNT*3)": "0.7255758028554147", "SUM(TF* LOG(D/D(T)))/(TWEETS_COUNT*3*LOG(D))": "0.05261305651869126", "SUM(TF*D(TIMEKEY)/D(T,TIMEKEY))/(TWEETS_COUNT*3)": "4.36004749183734", "SUM(TF*D/D(T))/(TWEETS_COUNT*3)": "5.818332543111803", "SUM(TF*D/D(T))/(TWEETS_COUNT*3*D)": "5.963936078533111E-6", "significantTermsCount": "1.0", "uniqueAuthors": "3.0" }, "significantTerms": { "TF*LOG(D(TIMEKEY)/D(T,TIMEKEY))": { "nyc": "5.953120693402272" }, "TF*D(TIMEKEY)/D(T,TIMEKEY)": { "nyc": "39.240427426536066" }, "TF*D/D(T)": { "nyc": "52.36499288800623" }, "TF*LOG(D/D(T))": { "nyc": "6.530182225698732" } }, "significantTermsTF": { "nyc": "2" }, "timeKeysToDocCounts": { "2012930-0": "88134" } }, "taskAttemptId": "attempt_201401170201_0051_r_000000_0", "tweets": ["Lane Savage [40.74561836:-73.99911931:Tue Oct 30 02:22:00 UTC 2012] \u003d\u003e NYC sleeps after all. #HurricaneSandy", "Jonathan C. Zaback [40.74158172:-73.99917718:Tue Oct 30 02:33:03 UTC 2012] \u003d\u003e BREAKING: The water level at the Battery in #NYC has reached 11.25 feet, surpassing the all-time record of 11.2 feet set in 1821. #Sandy", "Sophie Masure [40.74471068:-73.99873616:Tue Oct 30 02:47:04 UTC 2012] \u003d\u003e NYC #blackout #sandy @ Chelsea", "Sophie Masure [40.74471068:-73.99873616:Tue Oct 30 02:49:41 UTC 2012] \u003d\u003e Out street #blackout #sandy @ Chelsea"] }], "rawDocs": [] } }] }