Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The file uploader shares its cookie with the main GUI, the widget uploader, the source builder, and the person manager - logging into any of them will log into all of them.

Uploading a new "binary" file

(Note "binary" here refers to anything except for JSON)

The above figure shows the tool shortly after log-in.


The system will automatically detect the MIME type and store this - this will be used both in filtering (see below) and for the content-type for when that file is served from the REST API.

Uploading a new "JSON" file

Infinit.e handles JSON with some additional support. The process is the same as above, except:

  • Select "Upload New JSON" (instead of "Upload New File")
  • There is an additional field "type" that can be any string value. This type is used in a few different ways:
    • It can be filtered on from the "Filter On" drop down menu in this GUI
    • It can be used as an efficient search object in the Social - Share - Search API call.
    • Shares of type "infinite-entity-alias" are used by the framework for aliasing.
    • Shares of type "source_template" are used by the Source Editor GUI as shareable templates.
    • Shares of type "widgetsave" are used the main GUI to store per-user or per-community settings
    • (And of course any other Infinit.e application can use it for internal purposes)
  • The JSON is checked on ingest and an error thrown if it is invalid.

Sharing an existing Infinit.e (JSON) object

JSON objects from various internal Infinit.e databases can be shared to communities by selecting "Share existing object". This generates the following fields:

  • The "type" field, which is treated identically to JSON shares as described above (note this makes sense because shared objects are always JSON)
  • A "reference location" dropdown which allows the user to choose from the available databases:
    • Custom Plugin Collection: the first object from this custom job is shared
    • Document Metadata Collection: the document with the specified "_id" field is shared
    • Aggregated Entity Collection: the entity object with the specified "_id" field is shared
    • Aggregated Association Collection: the association object with the specified "_id" field is shared
  • A "reference doc id" field that must contain the "_id" field of the object chosen above.
  • (By contrast the "File" field is removed compared to JSON/binary shares)

Editing existing shares

After log-in, all files you own can be seen from the top drop-down menu (initially called "Upload New File"). If you are a community owner or moderator, all files in your communities can be seen in addition. If you an administrator, all files in the system can be seen. 
