Criticality & Vulnerability Interface

Criticality & Vulnerability Interface

Criticality & Vulnerability

The Criticality & Vulnerability visualization is displayed under the Workspace.


Threat Intelligence Feed Comparison


You can view a summary of CVEs and IOCs per threat feed using the Threat Intelligence Feed Comparison.  All of the connected threat feeds (eg. iSight, SYMC, Phishme, and aggregate open source feeds) are displayed with associated CVE and IOC counts.

Threat FeedCommercial or Open Source aggregate.
Scan Detected CVEsThe number of unique CVEs detected in your network scan results, per threat feed.
Total IOCsThe total number of detected IOCs per threat feed.


Vulnerability Table


Use the Criticality & Vulnerability visualization to view a roll-up of your vulnerability scan results.

DateName of the vulnerability as defined by iSight (at this time).

Common vulnerabilities and exposures.

Vulnerability as assigned by iSight using the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) convention. This CVE count is expected to match customer scan information against the vendor/product pair, using synthetic Nessus scan information.


Vendor of the identified vulnerable software/system as defined by customer scan information (Nessus or Qualys)

ProductThe product associated with the Vendor.
Labor Effort

A customer input that assigns a low, medium or high selection.

Patch DifficultyA customer input that assigns a low, medium or high selection.
Vulnerable HostsThe count of the number of vulnerable hosts as identified by vulnerability scanning from Customer scan information (Nessus or Qualys). (Sprint 15)
Initial Estimate

A customer input that assigns a cost/value to patching a vulnerability based on the vulnerability/CVE using an FTE count and annual cost.


The National Vulnerability Database Exploitability category assignment to the given CVE:







Anticipated Risk LevelA Customer input that assigns a low, medium or high selection.