Event Job Creation Widget

How to Use the Widget (User):

1A. Basic Mode

Type the name of your new community in the text box.  This name will create 2 new communities, 1 for data with just that name, and 1 for events named: "YOUR NAME Events"

Add any users you want to invite to your new communities

Click Continue

2A. Advanced Mode

Click on the Advanced Mode Button to switch to advanced mode

Choose your data community from existing communities or create a new one

Choose your event community from existing communities or create a new one

Add any users you want to invite to your selected communities

Select the specific event jobs you want to add by selecting a job on the left, and clicking the right arrow

Click Continue

Adding Users Component

Users can be added to the communities you are about to create/use.

Add users by typing a piece of their name, hit the down arrow or click the user you want, press the enter key to add them to the list.  Repeat until you have all the users you want.

TODO: explain how a user group can be setup to accommodate adding the same set of users more easily.

Publish View/Summary View

After clicking "Continue" in either Basic or Advanced mode, you will come to a summary screen that displays all the actions your are about to perform (creating communities, submitting event jobs, adding users).  If you are adding users to your community and are an admin on demand, it is recommended you click the "Get Admin Rights" link which will elevate you to admin privileges, this will auto add users to your communities instead of inviting them.

Next if you are satisfied with what is about to occur, press the "Publish" button to being submitting sources.  Do not close this window until the "Complete" button is enabled or you will cut job submissions off in progress.

The summary view popup is a cyan box that displays progress in submitting the jobs.  Any jobs that are completed/error will be displayed, as well as a debug message box with useful debugging output for developers.  If job submission fails in some unforeseen fashion, the process will stop and the Complete button will be enabled.  It will also be enabled once everything finishes successfully.

Click complete to be taken back to the first page where you can submit additional jobs or close out the widget safely.


How to Add Event Job Templates (Developer):

The event job creation widget works similar to the templated source widget in that a JSON representation of a set of sources is uploaded to the cluster via the file manager, that representation then shows up in the widget and will have some fields replaced, and be published to the source API.


Convert Existing/New Map Reduce Jobs to the source editor version

The first step in creating a template is to convert an existing map reduce job into the new source editor format.  More information on doing that can be found here: TODO find documentation page, basically just use the new source UI and only grab the custom processing sections


Create a JSON file following the event job creation format

The basic JSON format for event job templates looks like this:

   "jobs":[], //1 or more map reduce jobs in their source editor format
   "source":{} //1 final source for converting map reduce output to IKANOW documents

The jobs sections takes an array of "custom processing" sources.  They will be created in the order they exist in the array (e.g. jobs[0] will be submitted first, then jobs[1], etc, etc.

The source section takes a single "source".  It will always be submitted last.

In addition to just being plain old sources, each item in the "jobs" array must have 1 additional field named "templateName":"someName" for example:

     "processingPipeline":[//bunch of source pieces in here],
     //rest of source fields etc etc
   },{//job1+, each with a unique templateName}],
   "source":{//source json here}

Template name must have no space (must be a valid map reduce job name).  It will be used as a substitution variable shown in the next section.

Replace input/outputs of map reduce jobs with substitution variables

Next, we won't know the input/output collections ahead of time so you'll need to replace the input/output sections of your new source with these substitution variables:

Possible substitution variables:
$$TEMPLATE_TITLE$$ - Returns the name of the template which is the title of the file share the template was uploaded with
$$INPUT_COMM$$ - Returns the id of the selected data community from the widget
$$OUTPUT_COMM$$ - Returns the id of the selected event community from the widget
    - Where XXX is the name of a job specified in the template via the templateName field, returns the id of that map reduce job
    - Where XXX is the name of a job specified in the template via the templateName field, returns the name of that map reduce job


Common use cases for the replacements include:

jobs[1] i.e. the 2nd job wants the firsts jobs input (jobs[0]), you can use $$XXX_ID$$ to get the id of the first job.

//previous fields of jobs[1]
"processingPipeline" : [{
    "custom_datastoreQuery" : {
         "customTable" : "$$part1_ID$$" //if jobs[0].templateName is "part1" this will replace this field with it's map reduce job id
    "display" : ""
//rest of processing pipeline

jobs[1] i.e. the 2nd job wants to set jobs[0] as a dependency (so it waits for jobs[0] to finish before starting), you can use $$XXX_ID$$ to get the id of the first job

//previous fields of jobs[1]
"processingPipeline" : [
	//previous pipeline elements
        "display" : "",
        "scheduler" : {
             "dependencies" : [
                  "$$part2_ID$$" //if jobs[1].templateName is "part2" this will replace this field with it's map reduce job id
             "frequency" : "once_only",
             "runDate" : "2015-06-09 11:07:57"
  //rest of pipeline elements

source wants the last map reduce jobs output as it's input

//previous fields of source
"processingPipeline" : [{
     "file" : {
          "XmlPreserveCase" : false,
          "type" : "json",
          "url" : "inf://custom/$$part2_ID$$/" //if jobs[1].templateName is "part2" this will replace this field with it's map reduce job id
//rest of pipeline elements

XXX_NAME is not currently mapped correctly from the source editor to the map reduce engine, it is recommended you use XXX_ID always instead of it

$$INPUT_COMM$$ and $$OUTPUT_COMM$$ are used during source submission.  All mapreduce jobs are submitted against $$INPUT_COMM$$ and the source job is submitted against $$OUTPUT_COMM$$

Submit JSON file to file uploader

Once you have a JSON file with your map reduce jobs, source job, and all the correct substitutions made, you can submit it to the file uploader as a JSON file with the type set to "templated_event_sources"



Test in event job creation widget


If you open/close the event job creation widget, you're newly submitted job should show up, you can use the advanced settings to only submit that job to test if it works.  Validate once you have the sources submitting correctly that the map reduce jobs actually run and the source job creates documents correctly.  You can make changes to your JSON file at any time and upload over your previous version, all submitted future jobs will use this format, old jobs will have to be manually deleted.