Simple example (News)
Start with the "Basic RSS Source Template" from the source builder GUI:
{ "communityIds": ["4c927585d591d31d7b37097a"], "description": "Create a description of your source here.", "extractType": "Feed", "harvestBadSource": false, "isApproved": true, "isPublic": true, "mediaType": "Social", "tags": [ "tag1", "tag2" ], "title": "Basic RSS Source Template", "url": "" }
It is assumed you have obtained an OpenCalais or AlchemyAPI key and configured the Infinit.e properties file. If not do that first.
Then modify the title and description, and select a standard News RSS feed, eg:
Also add the field "useExtractor", and set it to:
- "AlchemyAPI" if you have an AlchemyAPI key
- "OpenCalais" if you have an OpenCalais key
This results in a source that looks something like (with ignored fields deleted):
{ "description": "A test RSS news feed, using OpenCalais", "extractType": "Feed", "isPublic": true, "mediaType": "News", "tags": [ "news", "england" ], "title": "BBC News", "url": "", "useExtractor": "OpenCalais" }
Complex example (Twitter)
TODO twitter