Versions Compared


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The widget uploader Widget Uploader provides a simple web-based user interface for uploading new widgets to the system, and for managing existing widgets.

Using the Widget Uploader

Logging In

The Widget Uploader shares its cookie with the Community Edition (CE) GUI, the File Uploader, the Source Builder User Interface, and the People Manager - logging into any of them will log into all of them.

To loginThe widget uploader

  •  Provide your credentials when prompted by any of the above mentioned GUIs.

Root URL Access

The Widget Uploader can be accessed from <ROOT_URL>/manager/widgetUploader.jsp (eg It can also be reached from the home page of the Manager webapp (itself linked from the main visualization GUI).

This brings up username and password fields and a login button. (Unless already logged in, eg into the manager or main GUI - in which case skip to the next section).

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Two things to note: 

In order to login with admin privileges (for admins only!), append "?sudo"or "?sudo=true" to the URL (eg

If you are not logged-in with admin privileges you will only be able to edit your own widgets, and will only be able to add widgets to communities you own or on which you are a moderator.

  • The widget uploader shares its cookie with the main GUI, the file uploader, the source builder, and the person manager - logging into any of them will log into all of them.
  • Uploading a new widget

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    The above figure shows the tool immediately after log-in.

    To upload the widget, simply populate the fields shown above and then "submit". Some further information on fields is described below:

  • All fields are mandatory except the description field (which is used for the mouse-over pop up in the main GUI)
  • There are 2 ways of providing the ".swf" for the widget (and also its icon):
    • Upload them from your hard disk using the "Browse..." buttons.
    • Select the "Provide URL" checkbox and then enter a URL into the "Swf FIle" or "Icon Image" filenames 
      • You can use the substitution variable "$infinite" to point to whatever the root URL is (eg ""), see the example screenshot below.
  • The icon image size should be 180x160 for best results.
  • The version number field is not used by the system, it is for your configuration management purposes only. 


    Uploading a New Widget

    You can use the Widget Uploader to upload a widget to the platform.

    To upload a widget

    1. From the Widget Uploader interface, ensure that the dropdown displays "Upload New Widget."
    2. Fill in the Title, Description, and Communities as required.
    3. Provide the Swf file from local file, or Provide the URL.
    4. Specify Version Number and Icon Image
    5. Click on Submit.

    For more information concerning the fields and expected values, see section Widget Uploader Interface.

    An example is shown below:

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    Note that no de-duplication checks are made, so if you enter an identical widget to one that already exists, you will get 2 widgets that look the same. To edit an existing widget, see below under the next section.

    Editing Widgets

    You can

    select either a single or multiple (CTRL+click) communities. You must be the owner or moderator of the communities (or an administrator logged in with "?sudo").

    An example is shown below:

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    Editing widgets

    use the Widget Uploader to edit a previously uploaded widget

    To edit the attributes of an existing widget, log-in as before but then select

    1. Select one of the widgets from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen

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    (Remember that administrators must log-in with "?sudo" appended to the URLs in order to edit other people's widgets).

    1. .  Once an existing widget has been selected, its current fields are used to populate the web form. The communities with which the widget is currently shared are highlighted. The non-highlighted communities are those with which the widget can be shared.
    Simply edit
    1. Edit whichever fields need to be changed
    1. , or upload new files
    ) and select the "Submit" button. 

    Copying widgets

    To copy a widget (eg
    1. .
    2. Click on Submit. 

    Recall that administrators must log-in with "?sudo" appended to the URLs in order to edit other people's widgets.


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    Copying Widgets

    You can use the Widget Uploader to copy widgets.  This enables you to create multiple widgets with similar fields), simply select .

    To copy a widget

    1. Select the widget to copy in the drop down
    menu at the top, and then choose the
    1. menu.
    2. Choose the "Copy Current Widget" item
    1. from the
    1. menu.
    Change the title and then edit the fields as normal.Deleting widgets
    1. Provide a different title.
    2. Make the required edits
    3. Click on Submit.

    Deleting Widgets

    You can use the Widget Uploader to delete widgets. 

    To delete a widget, log

    1. Log-in and select it
    like for editing above, but then press the "Delete" button at the top.
    1. from the dropdown
    2. Click on Delete.  The widget is deleted.



    In this section:

    Table of Contents



    Related Reference Documentation:

    Widget Uploader Interface


    Related Developer Documentation:

    Widget Framework