Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The Document Viewer is displayed when the widget is added to the workspace.


Use the Document Viewer widget to view individual documents and their metadata, ranked by score or date, together with their entities, geotags, and associations. 

Widget label. 
Drag and drop control. For more information, see section Common Functionality. 
Ignore Workspace Filtering. For more information, see section Common Functionality. 
Result Ranking

Dropdown that determines ordering of displayed documents:

Date Ascending: Sorts documents by least recent date.

Date Descending: Sorts documents by most recent date.

Score Ascending: Orders documents by score in ascending fashion (least to greatest). For more information, see section Scoring.

Score Descending: Orders documents by score in descending fashion (greatest to least). For more information, see section Scoring.

Title Ascending: Sorts documents alphabetically by title in ascending fashion.

Title Descending: Sorts documents alphabetically by title in descending fashion.


Expand control for more options. 
Page through documents (by default 100 documents are displayed at once) using previous and next buttons. 

Reload queues and buckets for the workspace.

For more information, see section Doc. Viewer (enterprise).

Selected Doc Options

Dropdown that determines behavior of selected documents.

Unselect All: Deselects all selected documents.

 Select All Visible: Select all documents visible on the left side of Doc Viewer window.

 Filter Out Selected: Discards checked documents from results list AND other visualization widgets.

 Filter Out Unselected: Discards all unchecked docs, displays only checked document (all widgets).

Show Only

Allows user to drill down on specific entity or document title

This text takes a regular expression - in addition, starting the string with "-" makes it a negative selector

Googlegoogle search for selected document. 
extra Hops

Setting which enables the document viewer to grab "2-hop" and "3-hop" queries. This means that after performing the additional query:

  • (2-hops) a secondary query is performed to retrieve documents not matching the original query but containing one or more entities from the original query
  • (3-hops) a third query not matching either the original query, or the "2-hop" query, but containing one or more entities from the "2-hop" query

This capability can slow the system down a fair bit, so should be used with caution.



Left Panel

The left panel is displayed on the left side of the Doc Viewer widget.



The panel on the left side of the screen displays 100 documents at a time by default.  

The following information is displayed for each document.

Score/Date columnDisplays doc. score or date when documents are sorted ascending/descending. 
TitleTitle of document 
URLAssociated document URL. 
Document stats

Reports entity types associated with the docuemnt.

:Contains people.

:Contains companies.

: Contains locations.

: Contains associations.




Right Panel

The panel on the right side of the screen is used to display Entities, Geotags and Associations.


Entity name: Entity name.

Type: Entity Type. For more information see section Entities.

Relevance: Calculation of entity’s linguistic importance in document. For more information, see section Scoring

Significance: Measurement of how well entity matches user's query. For more information, see section Scoring.

Sentiment: Optional sentiment score provided by enrichment engine or third party. For more information, see section Scoring.


Geotag Name: Name of the geotag. eg. United States.

Latitude: Latitude of geotag.

Longitude: Longitude of geotag.




Subject: Name of the entity.

Verb: Action.

Verb Category: Type of action performed by the subject.

Object: Takes the action of the verb from subject.



Filters for Entities, Geotags, and Associations.

Select All:

Select None:

Select Inverse:

Filter This Document:

Filter Selected Items:

Filter Docs with Any Selected Items

Filter Docs with All Selected Items:

Google Selected Items:

Apply Text Filter To All Selected Docs:





Use the workspace to create buckets and queues.





Lets users create lists of hand curated documents.

QueuesLets users specify queries that will periodically fill the list. New documents can also optionally generate alerts. 
NewButton used to create a new Bucket or Queue. 
SaveButton used to Save Buckets and Queues. 

Dropdown used to create a new queue.


Unshared (don't change):

Unshared (update to current):







Related User Documentation:

Doc. Viewer (enterprise)