Versions Compared


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  1. Stop all harvesters and custom schedulers on the API nodes
    1. (eg "service infinite-px-engine stop; touch /opt/infinite-home/bin/STOP_CUSTOM")
  2. Log onto the mongos of any node and stop the balancer
    1. ("sh.stopBalancer()" from the mongos shell)
  3. Upgrade the MongoDB RPMs on all of the Config DB servers
    1. ("yes | yum install mongo-10gen-2.4.10 mongo-10gen-server-2.4.10 -y --exclude=mongodb-org*")
  4. Log onto one of the Config DB servers and upgrade the metadata
    1. ("mongos --upgrade --configdb <the 3 db config nodes>")
    2. (NOTE: on a number of occasions, this step has failed, reporting transport errors to one of the nodes. On all such occasions, the following steps have worked around this:
      1. Remove the config upgrade lock: 
        • mongo config --eval 'db.locks.remove({_id: "configUpgrade"})'
      2. Log onto the Config DB node for which the transport error was reported and rerun the upgrade exactly as above)
  5. Restart all 3 Config DB servers
    1. ("service mongo_infinite restart")
  6. Upgrade MongoDB on all API and DB nodes
    1. (See above for yum command)
  7. Restart all the servers and routers on all API and DB nodes
    1. ("service mongo_infinite restart")
  8. Restart tomcat (unless you are moving onto MongoDB 2.6 next)
    1. ("service tomcat6-interface-engine restart")
  9. Start the harvester and custom scheduler (unless you are moving onto MongoDB 2.6 next)
    1. (eg "service infinite-px-engine start; rm -f /opt/infinite-home/bin/STOP_CUSTOM")
  10. Restart the balancer
    1. (log onto any mongos shell and run "sh.startBalancer()")


Don't stop any of the DB nodes - older versions of infinit.e-db-instance would treat a "service mongo_infinite stop" as indication that the node was being decommissioned, and remove it from the replica set, causing all sorts of issues).