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Code Block
	"display": string,
	"docMetadata": {
		"title":string,// The string expression or $SCRIPT(...) specifying the document title
		"description":string,// The string expression or $SCRIPT(...) specifying the document description
		"publishedDate":string,// The string expression or $SCRIPT(...) specifying the document publishedDate
		"fullTextmediaType": string, // The string expression or $SCRIPT(...) specifying the document fullText mediaType (otherwise taken from top-level source field)
		"displayUrltags": string, //The A ,-separated list of string expressionexpressions or $SCRIPT(...) specifying- thereturning documenta displayUrl
		"appendTagsToDocs":Boolean,// if ,-separated list, the result of each will be added to the tags
		"fullText":string,// The string expression or $SCRIPT(...) specifying the document fullText
		"displayUrl":string,//The string expression or $SCRIPT(...) specifying the document displayUrl
		"appendTagsToDocs":Boolean,// if true, source tags are appended to the document.  Default value is false. 
		"geotag": {config_param_name"},//Specify a document level geo-tag


You can use docMetadata to set specific values for a document's metadata.  docMetadata has the following parameters


following parameters


The string expression or $SCRIPT(...)

descriptionThe string expression or $SCRIPT(...)
publishedDateThe string expression or $SCRIPT(...)
The string expression or $SCRIPT(...)
publishedDateThe string expression or
 specifying the document mediaType (otherwise taken from top-level source field)
A ,-separated list of string expressions or $SCRIPT(...) - returning a ,-separated list, the result of each will be added to the tags
fullTextThe string expression or $SCRIPT(...)

"displayUrl" sets the corresponding document JSON field. It is guaranteed not to be used by the Infinit.e platform. It is therefore useful for linking documents to external content. For reference, the way that it is used in the Infinit.e GUI is as follows:

  • If it starts with "http://" then it is treated as a web link
  • If it starts with "$infinite" then it is treated as a relative web link to the cluster URL.
  • Otherwise, it is assumed to be a relative file path to the fileshare specified in the source url field. (eg you can use the "Document  - File - Get" call with the "sourceKey" concatenated to the "displayUrl" to retrieve the file directly from the fileshare).

If true, source tags are appended to the document.  Default value is false.


using geo tag the following is possible

  • specify the fields to extract from your structured data source to use as your latitude and longitude values
  • specify city, state/province, and country.

 "lat": "string", "lon": "string, "city": "string", "stateProvince": "string, "country": "string", "countryCode": "string

See example below.
