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Code Block
titleFeed Harvester configuration
"rss": {
	"feedType": string, // Currently not used - will allow for RSS vs Atom in future releases (currently only RSS is supported)
	"waitTimeOverride_ms": integer, // Optional - if specified, controls the amount of time between successive reads to a site (default: 10000ms):
					// ie if a site is timing out it may limit the number of accesses from a given IP - set the number higher
					// for large sites you can increase the performance of the harvester by setting this number lower
	"updateCycle_secs": integer, // Optional - if present harvested URLs may be replaced if they are older than this time and are encountered from the RSS or in the "extraUrls"
	"regexInclude": string, // Optional - if specified, only URLs matching the regex will be harvested
	"regexExclude": string, // Optional - if specified, any URLs matching the regex will not be harvested
	"extraUrls": [ // This array allows for manually specified URLs to be harvested once
			"url": string, // The URL 
			"title": string, // The title that the document will be given (ie the equivalent to the RSS title)
			"description": string, // (Optional) The description that the document will be given (ie the equivalent to the RSS description)
			"publishedData": string, // (Optional) The date that will be assigned to the document (default: now) - this can be overridden from "structuredAnalysis"
			"fullText": string // (Optional) If present and "useTextExtractor" is "none", then uses the specified string instead of the URL contents (mainly for debugging)
	"userAgent": string, // (Optional) If present overrides the system default user agent string
 	"proxyOverride": string, // (Optional) "direct" to bypass proxy (the default), or a proxy specification "(http|socks)://host:port" 
	"cookies": string, // (Optional) appends this string to the "Cookies" field (can included multiple semi-colon separated cookie values)

	"searchConfig": { ... } // (Optional) A complex configuration object that allows the contents of URLs to be used generate more URLs/docs to harvest


Code Block
 "searchConfig": {
	"userAgent": string, // (Optional) Overrides the "parent" (rss) setting for "search" operations (see usage guide)
	"proxyOverride": string, // (Optional) "direct" to bypass proxy (the default), or a proxy specification "(http|socks)://host:port" 
	"cookies": string, // (Optional) appends this string to the "Cookies" field (can included multiple semi-colon separated cookie values). If not specified then uses rss.cookies (if specified).
	"globals": string, // Optional Javascript that is evaluated before script or extraMeta (ie to define global functions)
	"script": string, // (Mandatory) Script, must "return" (last statement evaluated) an array of the following format:
				// [ { "url": string, "title": string /* optional-ish */, 
				//     "description": string /* optional */, publishedDate: string /* optional */,
				//     "spiderOut": string /*optional */ }
	"scriptlang": string, // (Mandatory) Only "javascript" is supported, use extraMeta for different script types
	"scriptflags": string, // (Optional) The flags to apply to the above script, see "unstructuredAnalysis.meta" for more details
	"extraMeta": [ {...} ], // (Optional) A pipeline of metadata extraction operations that are applied prior to "script", see "Using The Feed Harvester" overview
	"pageChangeRegex": string, // (Optional) If non-null, this regex should be used to match the pagination URL parameter (which will be replaced by pageChangeReplace)
					// Also, group 1 should be the start, to allow any offsets specified in the URL to be respected
	"pageChangeReplace": string, // (Optional) Mandatory if pageChangeRegex is non-null, must be a replace string where $1 is the page*numResultsPerPage
	"numPages": integer, // (Optional) Mandatory if pageChangeRegex is non-null - controls the number of pages deep the search will go
	"stopPaginatingOnDuplicate": boolean, // (Ignored unless pageChangeRegex is non-null) If true (default: false) then will stop harvesting as soon as an already harvested link is encountered
											// (for APIs that return docs in time order, ensures that no time is wasted harvesting and then discarding duplicate links)
	"numResultsPerPage": integer, // (Optional) Mandatory if pageChangeRegex is non-null - controls the number of results per page
	"waitTimeBetweenPages_ms": integer, // (Optional) Only used if pageChangeRegex is non-null - controls a wait between successive pages if set
	"maxDepth": integer // (Optional, defaults to 2) If spidering out (returning "spiderOut": "true" from the script) the maximum depth to go