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Advanced Options

The Advanced Options appear when you click on Options>Advanced Options.


Use the Advanced Options to set document analysis thresholds, scoring weights, geo decay, and other settings which impact the overall functionality of the platform and the widgets.

Enable/Disable Scoring


Default: Enabled


When disabled, documents & entities are returned without significance or relevance scoring.

Default setting is enabled.



of documents to


Default: 1,000 Documents


The maximum number of documents to be returned from the Lucene (/ElasticSearch) query and analyzed according to the significance algorithm



Default is 1,000 Documents.

Scoring Weights

Ratio of Significance vs. Relevance scoring weights

Default setting is 2:


1 (Significance:Relevance)



Time Decay


Default: None

Weight by

Applies half-life principle to results ranking, based on desired time interval.

Time decay date:


Half Life:


Example: 1m (one month) time decay -  results within 1 month of the entered date are promoted to top of results; results between 1 to 2 months from decay time are halved; results 2 to 3 months from decay time are quartered, etc. 
Geo Decay


Default: None

Applies half-life principle to results ranking based on distance (kilometers) from lat/long centerpoint.

Default: None

Example: a geo decay of 10k (10 kilometers) means that results 10-20k from the centerpoint have their scores reduced by 50%, results 20-30k from centerpoint have scores reduced 25%, etc.
Aggregate Significance Weighting


If true, aggregated entities are weighted by relevance to ensure entities occurring in more relevant documents are weighted up

Automatic: The platform attempts to decide for itself based on the query




Always Weight: Entities in more relevant documents are always weighted up.

Never Weight: Entities in more relevant documents are never weighted up



Default: Automatic

Manual Weightings


Default: None 


(in order of precedence)

Source Weights: Documents from weighted source are promoted to top of query results

Example: "":1.25","":0.75

 Type Weighs: Documents matching weighted source type are promoted to top of query results



 Tag Weights: Documents matching weighted source tag are promoted to top of query results



 Default: None 

The weights are applied as follows:

  • First the source weights are applied.

  • If no source weight matches the document, then the type weights are applied.

  • If no type weight matches the document, then a tag weight is generated by averaging all matching entries from the "tagWeights" map.

  • If no weight matches the document, then its total score is preserved. 




If disabled, documents are excluded from query results and therefore no results displayed in Doc Viewer. Only entities, events, facts, geo-tags,

Default: Enabled

Return Standalone Events


Default: Disabled 

Aggregates events, facts and summaries while retaining the temporal element (unlike event/fact aggregation)

 Standalone events are only viewable in the event timeline widget (vs event/fact aggregations in the event graph)

Default: Disabled 

Max Documents to Return


Max # of documents to return in Doc Viewer results list


Default: 100 Documents

Documents to Skip


Discards the first X documents. If set to 100, skips docs 1-100

Default: None

Include Entities


If disabled, entities and entity scoring are not returned with queries - will result in slightly improved performance and query time. 


Default: Enabled

Score Entities

If disabled, entities are returned with queries, however significance/relevance scoring is not performed - will result in slightly improved performance and query time.

Include Geotags

Default: Enabled

Include Geotags

If disabled, geotags are excluded from query results. Map Widget will not display docs.

Include Metadata

Default: Enabled

Include Metadata

If disabled, source-specific metadata is not returned with query results.


Default: Enabled

Include Summaries

If disabled, document summaries are excluded front query results.

Default: Enabled

Include Events


Default: Enabled

If disabled, events are excluded from query results.


Default: Enabled

Include Facts

If disabled, facts are excluded from query results.

Aggregate Geotags

Default: Enabled

Aggregate Geotags

If disabled, most common geotags are not aggregated.

Default: Enabled

Max Geotags to Return - Default: 1,000

Aggregate Times


If disabled, document counts of query results are not aggregated.

Default: Enabled

Aggregation Interval - Default: 1w (one week)

Aggregate Entities


If disabled, top ranking entities are not aggregated.

Default: Enabled

Max Entities to Return - Default: 250 (recommend setting to 3,000+)

Aggregate Events


If disabled, top ranking events are not aggregated.

Default: Enabled

Max Events to Return - Default: 100

Aggregate Facts


If disabled, top ranking facts are not aggregated.

Default: Enabled

Max Facts to Return - Default: 100

Aggregate SourcesDefault: Disabled


Aggregate Source MetadataDefault: Disabled


Entity Filters

Docs not containing an entity of that type will be discarded

 Other entities types will be discarded from docs that are promoted

 Negative filters - entering a minus (-) before an entity type will discard that entity type from all results, no effect on query (i.e. -keyword will omit all keywords

The entity type filter or association verb category filter can be specified in one of two ways (in Advanced Options):

  • Negatively, as a comma-separated list starting with "-" 
    • (see under "Entity Filter" in the screenshot below: no entities with type "Topic" or "Keyword" would be included in the query dataset)
  • Positively, as a comma-separated list 
    • (see under "Association Filter" in the screenshot below: in that case only associations with verb category "retweet" or "mentions" would be returned in the query results)
Association Filters

Docs not containing an association of that type will be discarded

 Other association types will be discarded from docs that are promoted

 Negative filters - entering a minus (-) before an association type will discard that association type from all results, no effect on query (i.e. -generic relations) 

The entity type filter or association verb category filter can be specified in one of two ways (in Advanced Options):

  • Negatively, as a comma-separated list starting with "-" 
    • (see under "Entity Filter" in the screenshot below: no entities with type "Topic" or "Keyword" would be included in the query dataset)
  • Positively, as a comma-separated list 
    • (see under "Association Filter" in the screenshot below: in that case only associations with verb category "retweet" or "mentions" would be returned in the query results)





Related Documentation:

Event Timeline

Event Timeline Interface