Info |
Add a shared documenta reference to a JSON document from one of the platform databases - when it is requested via the get or search API calls, the current value of that referenced document is returned. Currently the following are supported: the document metadata collection, the aggregated entity or association objects, or the first record in a custom collection (ie the custom collection is treated differently from the others, see below). A simple web-based utility is available for performing many share management activities. For references to custom collections, only the first object in the collection is displayed. |
Required, see Auth - Login
type (required)
Type of object shared: Query, Dataset, Url, etc.title The share "type", an arbitrary string that is used in the search API call - ie it is treated identically as for normal JSON shares.
database (required)
Display title for share
description (required)
Display description for share
tags (required)
Comma separated list of tags associated with documentType of object shared, the following values are supported:
- doc_metadata.metadata
- feature.entity
- feature.association
- custommr.customlookup
documentid (required)
ID of document to sharedatabase, from the database specified by the "database" field above (the value of "_id" field)
title (required)
Database document to share is located incollection Display title for share
description (required)
Collection document to share is located in Display description for share
Code Block |
curl -XGET 'http://infinite.ikanow.com/api/social/share/add/ |
ref/ |
ReferenceType/custommr.customlookup/5e175bfeb8ed6403f48ea7b4/My+reference+share/No+Description' |
Example Response
Info | ||