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Manage Sources

The Manage Sources screen appears when you click on Data Sources from the Manager.

Image RemovedImage Added


Use Manage Sources to manage the data sources that have been added to the platform using Source Builder.

Source nameName of the Data Source. 
Date/TimeDate and time of source ingestion. 

State of the data source.

Saved: The data source has been saved, but requires further modification before it can be Tested and Published.

Published: The data source has been successfully tested and published. Documents are generated and queries will return data to the visualizations.

Suspended: The data source has been suspended. Related documents are no longer returned to queries or visualizations.




Data GroupData Group to which the data source belongs. 

List of potential actions to be performed, depending on the data source "state."

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Edit: Edit a source for re-publishing.

Image RemovedRepublish: After making changes to the data source, re-publish the source so that the changes will be reflected in queries and visualizations.

Image RemovedTest: Test the source to ensure that it is formatted properly and returns the desired results.

Image RemovedDelete: Delete the data source from the platform.

Image RemovedView: View the source without editing capabilities.



Edit Data Source

The following fields appear when you click on Edit Data Source.

Source TitleSource title. 
Data GroupData Group to which the data source is associated. 

Descriptive tags associated with the data source.

Media TypeMedia type selected from the dropdown. 
DescriptionDescription of the data source. 
ValidateValidates any changes made in the JSON editor. 

Scrubs the JSON editor.

When copying an existing source into the New Source window, the existing source should be "scrubbed" first. Scrubbing sources removes all fields added by the server after publishing, just retaining the actual ingest logic. It should be used before copying/templating.

RevertReverts the JSON code to its original state. 

Select the amount of source documents that should be included in the test. Less verbose tests can often yield more usable results.

Possible settings:

1, 10, 20.

Full TextEnable/disable the document full text to be returned during testing. Full text can often be quite long and cumbersome for testing purposes. 
Update Test ModeTODO: Need to determine what this means. 
Test SourceClick to Test the Source. 
Save SourceClick to Save the source without publishing. 
Publish SourceClick to Publish the source. The source will be ingested by the platform and returned to queries and visualizations. 

In this section:

Table of Contents



Related Documentation:

Data Sources