Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • qt[0].entity="facebook/company": will match on documents containing references to the company Facebook, but not the technology.
  • qt[0].entityValue="facebook"&qt[0].entityType="company": equivalent to the above
  • qt[0].entityValue="facebook": will match on both uses of the term Facebook
  • { "qt": [ { "entity": "barack obama/president", "entityOpt": { "expandAlias": true } } ] }: will match on documents containing references to Barack Obama, but also other common text strings such as "Barry Obama", "President Obama" etc.


  • qt[0].geo.centerll="40.12,-71.34"&qt[0].geo.dist="100km": within 100km of the specified lat/long.
  • { "qt": [ { "geo": { "centerll": "40.12,-71.34", "dist": "100" } } ] }: uses the default unit (km), ie is the same query as above.
  • qt[0].geo.minll="(4.1,-171.34)"&qt[0].geo.maxll="40.12,-71.34": bounding box showing lat/long format with and without parantheses.


  • "now" which always resolves to the current time, 
  • any Unix time (ie milliseconds after "Jan 1 00:00:00 1970"), 
  • and the following date/date-time formats: "yyyy'-'DDD", "yyyy'-'M'-'dd", "yyyyMMdd", "dd MMM yyyy", "dd MMM yy", "MM/dd/yy", "MM/dd/yyyy", "MM.dd.yy", "MM.dd.yyyy", "dd MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd" (ISO Date), "yyyy-MM-ddZZ" (ISO Date-Timezone", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ" (ISO DateTime-Timezone), "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" (SMTP DateTime).
    No Format


  • { "qt": [ { "time": { "min": "1284666757164", "max": "now" } } ] }from 16 Sep 2010 until now.
  • qt[0].time.min="now": any time in the future.
  • qt[0].time.max="20100201": any time before 1 Feb 2010.
  • { "qt": [ { "time": { "min": "02/10/2000", "max": "10 Feb 2001 13:00:00" } } ] }from 10 Feb 2000 until 10 Feb 2001 at 1pm.


  • Using the "logic" field as described under "Overview of querying". This is the standard way of combining separate queries.
  • In addition, within a single query term multiple elements of different types can be merged into a single object - this has the effect of ANDing them together. For example:
    • { "qt": [ { "entity": "barack obama/person", "time": { "min": "1284666757164", "max": "now" } } ] }: documents containing the entity Barack Obama, from 16 Sep 2010 until now.
    • qt[0].etext="apple"&qt[0].ftext="pair": this is equivalent to qt[0].etext="apple"&qt[1].ftext="pair"&logic="1 and 2"
