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Code Block
 Message-ID: <32220443.1075841552668.JavaMail.evans@thyme>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 11:33:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: RE: Testing Preschedule workspace
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-To: Smith, Will </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=Wsmith>
X-Folder: \ExMerge - Semperger, Cara\Deleted Items
X-FileName: cara semperger 6-26-02.PST

I am trying to pull it up now, it's taking a long time

 -----Original Message-----
From: =09Semperger, Cara =20
Sent:=09Monday, July 09, 2001 10:40 AM
To:=09Smith, Will; Atta, Asem
Cc:=09Bentley, Corry; Poston, David
Subject:=09Testing Preschedule workspace

Good Morning,

My target testing date today is June 18th,  I am running in Test P in Local=
 Enpower using actual data from our scheduling sheets re-arranged to meet t=
he new guidelines.

The daily deals I coded X in columns J and N,  the Month long bookouts and =
BOM bookouts I coded R. =20

What worked:

I was able to retrieve my saved workspace with all data intact. I had previ=
ously sucessfully copied and pasted my entire sheet from EXCEL to the PSW.

I was able to run the build route report with the criteria of "Starting On-=
 June 18-PaloVerde-Day of week Mask Activated-Report Changes activated." A =
check of deals actually scheduled vs. build route results showed that all d=
eals were extracted correctly from Enpower. Because I am working on closed =
dates, a cumulative test of this app will not be fully testable until produ=
ction. We are expecting to see the same functionality as the current incarn=
ation of Build route. The data extracted should be read only, time stamped,=
 and when run mulitple times additional data should be shown below previous=
ly extracted data.  The improvement we are expecting to see is the app shou=
ld not duplicate deal strips on dates that have no physical power flow. (We=
st Light Load currently does this in Start view, but not Active view)

Navigating around the scheduling sheet itself I was able to accurately exec=
ute the sort function on a single criteria at a time. Multiple sorting will=
 contunue to be done in excel, or we can do a series of single sorts in the=
 PSW to acheive the same result.

Routing deals: Will had deleted all routes for June 18th, starting me with =
a clean slate.  I made every path be for DAY. I was unable to confirm total=
 unrouted MWH, as the real time position manager does not seem to be functi=
oning in TESTP. The routing appeared to take 19 minutes with the status bar=
 showing steady progress during that time. This time is 15-17 minutes longe=
r than current speed using the Excel Macro system we have now. The error li=
st gave me a row by row description of what did not route, a very useful to=
ol.  OK was visible on all rows that the PSW believed that it had routed. I=
 had difficulty checking the routing results, as I kept getting BDE errors =
in Scheduling after routing had occurred (Local Enpower). Scheduling kept s=
tarting up in 1899.  I was unable to login to TestP through Terminal server=
 2, but was able to in Terminal Server 5. The results there were very encou=
raging! Most routing was done, and a spot check of deals shows that they we=
re routed properly. The deals that were not routed appear to be due to a us=
er error of deal number duplication in the sheet. This is consistent with w=
hat I would expect. I will further evaluate routing ability with our more c=
omplicated paths later. This routing was very easy, a large point with on p=
eak non shaped deals only.

Things I did not expect that I liked:

When I highlight a group of cells in Build Route, it stays highlighted when=
 I move up to the scheduling sheet to highlight a comparison group of cells=
.  This is very handy for double checking Build route against the scheduler=
's sheet.

What does not appear to be working at this time:

The physical or not physical flag of path does not seem to be showing up pr=
operly in routing.

Path Confirmation:  The running time appeared to be over one hour for one s=
heet, only 70 rows of the sheet being flagged for insertion into confirmati=
on. This current speed will not be sufficient to work in production. Also, =
many rows that were flagged for confirmation were not imported, and I canno=
t find an error log to help understand why deals were not imported to path =
When the path confirmation task was finished,  the application simply froze=
.  The status bar was no longer visible, leading me to believe that it was =
done, however the app was not able to be saved or closed or examined furthe=

My conclusions:

The build route and routing functions work well enough to use in production=
, the copy-paste function works well for the West desk per our connectivity=

Path Confirmation is not functioning at this point, and appears to be blowi=
ng up the app. No data was visible for June 18th even after the PSW ran thr=
ough its import function.

Please let me know when the issues I have named have been addressed and are=
 ready for further testing.




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am trying to pull it up now, it's taking a long time\r\n\r\n \r\nFrom: \tSmith, Will \r\nSent:\tMonday, July 09, 2001 11:28 AM\r\nTo:\tSemperger, Cara\r\nSubject:\tRE: Testing Preschedule workspace\r\n\r\nYes, but Vish made the changes in Table Edit. : - )\r\n\r\nWill\r\n\r\n \r\nFrom: \tSemperger, Cara \r\nSent:\tMonday, July 09, 2001 1:20 PM\r\nTo:\tSmith, Will\r\nSubject:\tRE: Testing Preschedule workspace\r\n\r\nSo, this table edit that Brett is asking me to test is really from ",
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