Suspending and deleting sources
TODO basic outline ("as outlined in the video below, it is simple to suspend and re-activate Infinit.e sources, and this automatically stops/restarts the corresponding Datasift push subscriptions)
TODO mention to delete/suspend sources before shutting system down
TODO something about exporting sourcesdata?
TODO dev.datasift console...
It is worth re-iterating one of the of the key features of Infinit.e aliasing: no data is modified. The aliasing function sits in between the raw data and the API and modifies the objects "in flight". This makes it very flexible: different users on the same platform can have different sets of aliases. In addition it makes it safer to experiment, since none of the raw data purchased from Datasift can be corrupted.
There are a few additional useful functions topics that are not covered in the video:
In fact there is a built in community that lets you accomplish this: the personal community (referred to as the "Personal Sandbox" in the Entity Alias Builder widget), see screenshot below:
TODO screenshot
TODO more of this dullnessscreenshots below:
The first shows the Entity Alias Builder widget, select the "Personal Sandbox" under the Communty dropdown. Ensure that the "Entities By Community" checkbox is unchecked, otherwise only data from that community is used to populate the table on the left.
The second shows the Source Manager, ensure that the "Personal Community" is checked, ie that its aliases will be applied.
When aliases are created in the Personal Sandbox community they do not affect anyone else's searches (and they can be removed simply by unchecking the "Personal Community" in the Source Manager).
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One downside to this is that there is no way within the widget of transferring aliases from the sandbox to a real community (eg once you are happy with them). However the sub-section "Manually setting alias configurations" explains how this can be achieved easily using the File Uploader page instead. |
Creating synthetic alias masters
Note that these techniques doesndon't play particularly well with the widget interface at the moment (it assumes a single alias share per community), so it is recommended to pick one method or the other (though the widget interface can always be used as a readonly view of the alias configuration).
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A few things to note when using aliases in multi-user environments:
Positive and negative selection in the entity and association filters
TODOThe purpose of this sub-section is just to note that the entity type filter or association verb category filter can be specified in one of two ways (from the "Advanced Options" view selectable from the "Options" dropdown on the left of the main GUI):
- Negatively, as a comma-separated list starting with "-"
- (see under "Entity Filter" in the screenshot below: no entities with type "Theme" or "Topic" would be included in the query dataset)
- Positively, as a comma-separated list
- (see under "Association Filter" in the screenshot below: in that case only associations with verb category "retweet" or "mentions" would be included in the query dataset)
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Also in the example above, only documents containing at least one association of the positively specified type would be included. The converse is not true: negative filtering does not precluded documents from being retrieved (though of course they may have reduced scores and thus not make it into the top 100). |
Further reading:
- An IKANOW blog post discussing an operational use of aliasing
- File Uploader documentation
- Community Manager documentation
- The alias API
COMING SOON! Note the functionality is already present in the AMI, we just need to write the video and associated documentation.
Exporting the data (and alerting)
TODO Mongo note backup existence ... general discussion about the API ... save function from GUI ... export workspace ... RSS
Importing other sources
TODO complex subject, lots of documentation (gui coming soon), this section just highlights a few of the most relevant possibilities to datasift
TODO something about entity generation (salience not available via public API, though it is via our enterprise edition - so there will be a disambiguation problem between different entity formats and types - can address some of this via alias builder)
Adding communities
Updating the software
TODO 2 methods, link to OSS also mention share