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Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   Copyright 2012, The Infinit.e Open Source Project

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
       creationComplete="{ try { onWidgetCreationComplete(); } catch (e:Error) {  } dispatchEvent(new Event('Done Loading')); }">
 <fx:Style source="/com/ikanow/infinit/e/assets/styles/infiniteStyles.css" />
 @namespace s "library://";
        @namespace mx "library://";
 /* If you need to override a style in our stylesheet, or add another
  style that we did not support you can do so here, an example has been commented out
    Please see documentation about over-riding MX component styles to display fonts*/
  /*font-family: infiniteNonCFFFont;
        font-family: infiniteNonCFFFont;
 import com.ikanow.infinit.e.widget.library.widgetframework.IWidgetWidgetSaveObject;
            import com.ikanow.infinit.e.widget.library.widget.IWidget;
 import com.ikanow.infinit.e.widget.library.widget.IWidgetContext;
 import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
 import org.alivepdf.pdf.PDF;
 private var _context:IWidgetContext;
 private var titleArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import org.alivepdf.pdf.PDF;
            private var _context:IWidgetContext;
            private var titleArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
             * Method fired when module is done loading.  Sends
             * message to parent letting it know that module is
             * ready to receive data.
            private function onWidgetCreationComplete():void
             * IWidget interface to receive data object (IWidgetContext).
             * Store the iwidgetcontext so we can receieve data later.
            public function onInit(context:IWidgetContext):void
                _context = context;
              * Allow users to export the widget contents in the specified format
 * @format filename: the filename+path to which the data will be written (in case it needs to be embedded)
 * @param format: the format from the "supportedFormats" call
 * @returns a ByteArray containing the data to output
 public function onGenerateExportData( filename:String, format:String ):ByteArray
 return null;
 * This function gets called when the user clicks to output
 * data to a PDF. Return null if custom PDF generation is
 * not desired.
 * @return a new alivePdf Page containing the converted data
 public function onGeneratePDF( printPDF:PDF, title:String ):PDF
 return null;
 * IWidget interface to receive data object (IWidgetContext).
 * Store the iwidgetcontext so we can receieve data later.
 public function onInit( context:IWidgetContext ):void
 _context = context;
 * If a save object has been saved from 'onSaveWidgetOptions' then
 * when the app gets reloaded the last save string
 * will be passed to this function.
 * @param widgetOptions the last save object or null if there was none
 public function onLoadWidgetOptions( widgetOptions:WidgetSaveObject ):void
 * function to rescale the component when the parent container is being resized
 * @param newHeight The new height the component needs to be set to
 * @param newWidth The new width the component needs to be set to
 public function onParentResize( newHeight:Number, newWidth:Number ):void
 this.height = newHeight;
 this.width = newWidth;
 * IWidget interface that fires when a new filter is done (including from ourself)
 * We can access the data fromt he filter by using our
 * iwidgetcontext object _context.getQuery_FilteredResults().getTopDocuments();
 public function onReceiveNewFilter():void
 //get filtered logic here
 * IWidget interface that fires when a new query is done.
 * We can access the data from the query by using our
  * iwidgetcontext object context.getQuery_TopResults().getTopDocuments();
 public    function onReceiveNewQuery():void
 //get documents
*/ var queryResults:ArrayCollection = _context.getQuery_TopResults().getTopDocuments();
 //set the labels of these publicdocs function onReceiveNewQuery():void
   and use as dataprovider for list
 for each ( var doc:Object in queryResults )
 doc.label = doc.title;
 titlesList.dataProvider = queryResults;
 * This function //getgets documentscalled when the workspace is being saved.
 * return null if no save object is needed.
var queryResults:ArrayCollection*
= _context.getQuery_TopResults().getTopDocuments();
                //set the labels of these docs and use as dataprovider for list
                for each ( var doc:Object in queryResults )
                doc.label = doc.title;
                titlesList.dataProvider = queryResults;
             * IWidget interface that fires when a new filter is done (including from ourself)
             * We can access the data fromt he filter by using our
             * iwidgetcontext object _context.getQuery_FilteredResults().getTopDocuments();
            public function onReceiveNewFilter():void
                //get filtered logic here
             * function to rescale the component when the parent container is being resized
             * @param newHeight The new height the component needs to be set to
             * @param newWidth The new width the component needs to be set to
            public function onParentResize(newHeight:Number,newWidth:Number):void
                this.height = newHeight;
                this.width = newWidth;
             * Allow users to export the widget contents in the specified format
             * @format filename: the filename+path to which the data will be written (in case it needs to be embedded)
             * @param format: the format from the "supportedFormats" call
             * @returns a ByteArray containing the data to output
            public function onGenerateExportData(filename:String, format:String):ByteArray
                return null;
             * This function gets called when the user clicks to output 
             * data to a PDF. Return null if custom PDF generation is
             * not desired.
             * @return a new alivePdf Page containing the converted data
            public function onGeneratePDF(printPDF:PDF, title:String):PDF
                return null;
             * If a save object has been saved from 'onSaveWidgetOptions' then
             * when the app gets reloaded the last save string
             * will be passed to this function.
             * @param widgetOptions the last save object or null if there was none
            public function onLoadWidgetOptions(widgetOptions:WidgetSaveObject):void
             * This function gets called when the workspace is being saved.
             * return null if no save object is needed.
             * @return an object this widget can use to reload state
            public function onSaveWidgetOptions():Object
                return null;
             * @returns A list of supported formats, displayed in a context menu in the format
             * "Export <string>" - these are called with "generateExportData"
             * Note this doesn't cover the "built-in" Alive PDF export.
             * However if the developer specifies PDF and generatePdf() returns non-null then this will be used.
            public function supportedExportFormats():ArrayCollection
                return null;

             * The callback handler for clicking the sample button in the header of the app.
             * @param event The mouse event when clicking the button.
            protected function sampleButton_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                //perform some action when header button is clicked

        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <!-- If you would like this widget to be styled similar to the other infinite widgets
        you may place items in the headerContent section shown below and they will be drawn at
        the top of the widget.  If you want to use similar looking buttons explore the 
        com.ikanow.infinit.e.widget.library.components.* items looking for components
        prefixed with Widget*.  Other components may be added to the header as well.
        <s:HGroup gap="-3">            
            <!-- Ignore Filter Toggle Button -->
            <components:WidgetToggleButton id="sampleButton"
                                           label="Sample Header Button"
                                           toolTip="This is the tooltip for a header button"
    <s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center" 
              paddingBottom="5" paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" paddingTop="5">
        <s:Label text="Sample Module" fontSize="30" />        
       * @return an object this widget can use to reload state
 public function onSaveWidgetOptions():Object
 return null;
 * @returns A list of supported formats, displayed in a context menu in the format
 * "Export <string>" - these are called with "generateExportData"
 * Note this doesn't cover the "built-in" Alive PDF export.
 * However if the developer specifies PDF and generatePdf() returns non-null then this will be used.
 public function supportedExportFormats():ArrayCollection
 return null;
 * The callback handler for clicking the sample button in the header of the app.
 * @param event The mouse event when clicking the button.
 protected function sampleButton_clickHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void
 //perform some action when header button is clicked
 * Method fired when module is done loading. Sends
 * message to parent letting it know that module is
 * ready to receive data.
 private function onWidgetCreationComplete():void
 <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

 <!-- If you would like this widget to be styled similar to the other infinite widgets
 you may place items in the headerContent section shown below and they will be drawn at
 the top of the widget. If you want to use similar looking buttons explore the
 com.ikanow.infinit.e.widget.library.components.* items looking for components
 prefixed with Widget*. Other components may be added to the header as well.
 <s:HGroup gap="-3">
 <!-- Ignore Filter Toggle Button -->
 <components:WidgetToggleButton id="sampleButton"
 label="Sample Header Button"
 toolTip="This is the tooltip for a header button"
 click="sampleButton_clickHandler(event)" />

 text="Sample Module"
 fontSize="30" />
 <s:List id="titlesList"
 height="100%" />